Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.


Further development of a sustainable and holistic climate protection strategy for the company with a focus on building and property management

Description of the company
HAMBURG WASSER is the municipal water supply and sanitation company in Hamburg. It is Germany's second-largest municipal water supply and wastewater disposal company and combines over 170 years of expertise and competence in drinking water supply and wastewater disposal. Water supply and sanitation are no ordinary services. They belong to the elementary bases of life and are therefore part of municipal services of general interest. As a municipal company with around 2000 employees, HAMBURG WASSER is primarily committed to the interests of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (FHH) and its citizens. In 2006, Hamburger Wasserwerke GmbH (HWW) and Hamburger Stadtentwässerung (HSE) were merged to form HAMBURG WASSER (HW) and offer their services not only at the FHH but also in the Hamburg metropolitan region. The company thus supplies around 2 million people with best drinking water and purifies their wastewater.

Starting situation

HAMBURG WASSER's high-quality and always safe drinking water supply and wastewater disposal has been carried out for many years, also under environmental protection aspects, and is reflected in a high level of customer satisfaction and in the great trust shown by politics, the administration of the FHH and in the recognition of experts. The current ecological, economic and social developments in the Hanseatic city will continue to lead to future infrastructural challenges that must be overcome. These include, among other things, adapting urban infrastructure to climate change, shaping energy transformation at local level and developing sustainable integrated infrastructure concepts. This challenge prompted HW to participate in the SoSe 2017 project "Concept development for a sustainable and holistic climate protection strategy of the company" at Fishing for Experience. The students dealt with the topic "Sustainable Buildings" as a partial aspect of the climate protection strategy. Due to the complexity of the topic as well as the high potential in the area of sustainable building and property management and in order to achieve further successes in the area of energy efficiency and climate protection, the topic is to be dealt with in greater depth as an independent project in the next step.

Problem definition
The subject area of “Sustainable Buildings”, which so far has been considered in the context of the climate protection concept, is to be examined in more depth both with regard to an upcoming new building planning and to the existing buildings. To this end, it is essential to combine approaches to sustainability under ecological, economic and socio-cultural requirements in the sense of holistic approaches and integrated, innovative concept approaches with climate protection. Opportunities to increase energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption and energy production possibilities are just as relevant here as the targeted selection of construction methods and materials. Comprehensive approaches to property management that relate buildings and the environment, such as sustainable concepts for landscaping and land utilization, are very welcome.

Project Goal(s)
The aim of the project is to develop innovative and sustainability-oriented ideas for a forwardlooking, responsible and efficient building and property management of the HAMBURG WASSER company and to turn these ideas into a concept. The results of the SoSe 2017 students in the project "Climate protection strategy for the company HW" can be used as a starting point and further developed. When developing ideas, you are welcome to think outside the box and freely.

· „Sustainable Buildings“, Integrated building technology & responsible building concepts
· Energy efficiency
· Environment and buildings
· Climate protection

· Research & analysis of existing processes and projects for operational building concepts and strategies
· Discussion & development of ideas for a forward-looking, sustainable and efficient property concept considering internal and external framework conditions (framework conditions will be determined with the students)
· Evaluation of ideas and derivation of concrete proposals for future measures and projects in the field of sustainable building and property management
· Formulation and summary of the results in a strategic concept

Target group
Students of the TUHH who are interested and motivated to work independently and creatively on the described task. Above all, it is important to be enthusiastic about topics such as climate protection, sustainability, renewable energies, energy efficiency, resource use/efficiency, lifecycle analysis, innovative environmental and building technology.

Contact person at HAMBURG WASSER
Maika Wuttke, Referentin der Stabsleitung Qualitäts- und Energiemanagement
Thomas Giese, Abteilungsleiter Energiemanagement und Projekte

Please reserve these dates:

  • 11 April: Information event with te companies, from 10am to 12pm, mainbuilding A; LuK
  • 18 April: Kick-off event, from 2pm to 6pm (obligatory attendance)
  • 21 and 28 April: Project management course, full day (obligatory attendance)