Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Problem- and Project-based Learning

Problem-oriented learning (POL) is a didactic focus of the TU Hamburg. In doing so, TU Hamburg adopts classic POL variants from the universities in Maastricht and Aalborg, among others, while at the same time looking for the right fit for its own courses. The lecturers at the TU Hamburg are supported by the staff of the Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL) in the implementation of the various problem-oriented formats, such as problem-based or project-based learning (PBL, or PjBL) or challenge-based learning (CBL). POL can be used to encourage students' active participation and responsibility for the learning process, to strengthen the link between theory and practice in your course, and to facilitate the understanding of complex contexts.

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