Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

The I3-program is designed to be competitive and is divided into three lines with different framework conditions:



I3-Labs  support projects by four experienced scientists for four years, each with one researcher position plus material resources. After this, the project partners should be in a position to apply for a DFG research group, for example, and become a new scientific pillar of TU Hamburg in the future. The first calls for proposals in the I3-Program took place in 2018. As a result, five I3 Labs were set up. One of the funding conditions requires an interim evaluation to take place after around 2.5 years, the result of which determines funding for the fourth year of funding.



I3-Projects fund projects by two scientists for two years, each with one researcher position plus material resources. An interim report is due after one year. After this, a follow-up application as an I3-Lab or the acquisition of external funding is conceivable.


I3-Junior Projects

I3-Junior Projects  are aimed at young scientists who receive funding for one year. A report is due at the end of the project period.