In the graduate school DASHH, TUHH participates in a joint Helmholtz graduate school under the leadership of DESY. "Data Science" is the science of extracting knowledge from typically large amounts of information. Increasing automation and the increasing number and resolution of sensors in scientific experiments result in large, heterogeneous and highly complex data collections. "Data Science" can thus be considered a key technology of current and future natural sciences. Data-intensive research in experimental and theoretical science at the Hamburg-Bahrenfeld research campus requires special software solutions for data management, processing and analysis.
Customized and even entirely new computer-based data science methods are therefore inevitable. At the same time, the upcoming challenges encourage new innovative ideas in computer science and applied mathematics. DASHH bundles the competences of scientists* with a high international reputation in basic research on the topics of structure of matter, computer science and applied mathematics in a new, unique form. The graduate school addresses questions from application fields such as structural biology, particle physics, materials science and science with ultrashort X-ray light pulses.
The Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH) and the Helmholtz Center Hereon founded the Center for Advanced Materials (ZHM) in 2015. As a joint institution, the ZHM continues the collaboration within the SFB 986 between the two institutions TUHH and Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon in the field of materials science within an institutional framework. As a North German center for materials science and engineering, it is characterized by international projects and collaborations in the field of basic research and, in cooperation with industry, by knowledge transfer from basic research to applications.
In 2016, a joint graduate school for materials science was established. It serves as a common platform for the recruitment, training and networking of PhD students and postdocs. The ZHM is the central point of contact for questions related to materials science in Hamburg.