Students with German citizenship can apply for Auslands-BAföG for their internship abroad. Auslands-BAföG is the funding available to German citizens who are studying at a university and plan to do parts of their studies, a full degree or an internship abroad.
Auslands-BAföG may even be available to German university students who do not qualify for inner-German BAföG. That is because the costs of living and studying may be higher abroad than in Germany.
To co-finance an internship with Auslands-BAföG, the internship has to be at least 12 weeks long.
Students have to apply 6 months before the intended start of the internship abroad.
The Studierendenwerk Hamburg provides counsel for students interested in Auslands-BAföG. They take applications for stays in the USA.
Applications for Auslands-BAföG for stays in other countries and regions will have to be addressed to Studierendenwerke in other German cities.
An internship abroad can be co-financed through an education loan, which has to be paid back with interest. To find out whether a loan would be beneficial for you and how to apply for it, please turn to the Studierendenwerk Hamburg and their counselling centre for finance.
More funding possibilities for internships abroad can be found through the DAAD stipend database.