Expedition 6 by Bilous Olena is licenced under CC BY 4.0

Internships Abroad (outside of Germany)

Internship Abroad

Doing an internship abroad gives students the possibility to fully immerse themselves in the everyday professional culture in a foreign country. At the same time, students will obtain valuable professional experience in their discipline in an international surrounding.
We want to encourage students of TUHH to do an internship abroad, to organize their search for companies and organisations, their search for a place, and their planning of finances, insurances, etc.

The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) also offers information on internships abroad (outside Germany).

The TUHH international office offers information on how to find internships abroad.
Please, join our info sessions and panel talks (Talk-Runde Auslandspraktikum)!



Foto: Expedition 6 by Bilous Olena is licenced under CC BY 4.0