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TU students win VDI Award 2024

Every year, the Association of German Engineers (VDI) and its local district association honor outstanding bachelor's, diploma and master's theses by young engineers in the Hamburg area. The prerequisite is that the thesis has received a grade that is significantly above average. In July 2024, two students from Hamburg University of Technology were delighted to receive the award and prize money totaling 3,000 euros alongside a candidate from Helmut Schmidt University.

René Hochdahl was awarded 1st prize for his Master's thesis entitled “Development and Control of Reconfigurable Underwater Robots”. He was supervised by Prof. Robert Seifried.

Julian Neundorf was awarded 2nd prize for his Master's thesis on “Investigation of the effect of different measurement voltage parameters in the bioimpedance measurement of potatoes”. His supervisor was Prof. Ulf Kulau.

Congratulations from the TU Hamburg!

group photo of the award winners
Photo: VDI Hamburger Bezirksverein/Nadine Grenningloh
The winners (center) with the chairman of the VDI Landesverband Hamburg Dipl.-Ing. Sven Warnck (left) and the office manager of the VDI Landesverband Hamburg Dipl.-Ing. Martin Eck (right).