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Young researchers at TU Hamburg honored

Rotary Club Hamburg-Haake awards Scientific Innovation Prize and Delmes Buxmann Prize

Double award: Research assistant and senior engineer Dr.-Ing. Katharina Bartsch and student Luc Vincent Rehm from Hamburg University of Technology were honored for their outstanding achievements by the Rotary Club Hamburg-Haake. Both prizes are endowed with 1,500 euros each.

Katharina Bartsch received the Scientific Innovation Prize (WIP) for her excellent research work, which is characterized by a high degree of scientific novelty, a high potential for economic success and a high degree of market maturity. market maturity. She presented the results of her dissertation research entitled "Digitalization of design for support structures in laser powder bed fusion of metals", for which she was awarded her doctorate with distinction. She developed a fully automated calculation of efficient bionic tree structures for the construction of 3D printed metal components. In addition to laser-optical, thermodynamic and mechanical computer simulations and calculations using an algorithm derived from bionics, Katharina Bartsch experimentally verified her physically optimal results and transferred them into industrially available software for the 3D printing industry through a research project.

Luc Vincent Rehm received the Delmes-Buxmann Prize for his excellent Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. He graduated as the best student in mechanical engineering with an overall grade of 1.1. The Delmes-Buxmann Prize is awarded to Bachelor graduates who have completed their studies with outstanding grades.

About the Rotary Club Hamburg-Haake

The Rotary Club Hamburg-Haake is part of the worldwide Rotary Association. Its members come from different professional backgrounds, regardless of political or religious affiliations. The Hamburg-Haacke club supports schools, kindergartens and social organizations in the region and has more than 60 members.

Dr. Katharina Bartsch
TU researcher Dr. Katharina Bartsch was presented with the award by TU Professor Claus Emmelmann, initiator of the WIP prize and supervisor of both young talent prizes at the Rotary Club Hamburg-Haake. Photo: private
Ruben Meuth
Ruben Meuth received the Delmes-Buxmann Prize for his outstanding Bachelor's thesis. (Left: son of the founder Alexander Delmes) Photo: private