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Bachelor Award Ceremony at the Institute of Technical Biocatalysis

Bachelor Award Ceremony at the Institute of Technical Biocatalysis
The award winners and speakers at the award ceremony in July. (Photo: C. Bittcher/TU Hamburg)

Excellent final grades honoured

In July 2024, three Hamburg University of Technology students on the bachelor's degree programmes in Bioprocess Engineering, Process Engineering and Energy and Environmental Engineering were honoured for their outstanding achievements in the shortest period of study in their cohort. The Bachelor Award at TU Hamburg is presented by the companies Dow Deutschland, Hamburger Energiewerke and Ohly, and the prizes are endowed with a total of 3,000 euros.

All three speakers at the event - Olaf Stüven, Production Manager at Dow Deutschland in Stade, Ohly Project Engineer Dr Christian Kirsch, and Florian Bornholdt, Team Leader Projects Process and Mechanical Engineering at Hamburger Energiewerke - are alumni of TU Hamburg and have now returned to their alma mater for a laudatory speech. The students were honoured in Audimax II at TU Hamburg together with Rebecca Burow, representative of the Process Engineering Student Council.

The TU Bachelor Award
The award is supported by Dow Deutschland, Hamburger Energiewerke and Ohly, who jointly promote young scientists at the TU Hamburg. Dow Deutschland has been involved for 24 years and awards the bachelor's and pre-degree prize to students. Hamburger Energiewerke is supporting the award for the thirteenth time and Ohly GmbH for the fifth time.

The winners of the Bachelor Award 2024:

Leander Raudszus (VT)
Hauke Riebesehl (BVT)
Lennart Kehl (EUT)