
Vocational Education in the Digital World

Prof. Maren Baumhauer gives inaugural lecture at the TU Hamburg
 Professor Baumhauer at the lectern in front of the audience.
In January, Maren Baumhauer gave her inaugural lecture at the Learning and Communication Centre on the Schwarzenberg Campus.

Digitalization is permeating all areas of life – including the field of vocational training. In order to keep pace with new developments, the organization and design of vocational training work must also be adapted, explains junior professor Maren Baumhauer. At her inaugural lecture, she spoke about current challenges and opportunities.

New demands on skilled workers

Digitalization is not only changing the way we work, but also the professional identity and self-image of skilled workers, says Baumhauer. “Above all, it is important to address the existing experience of employees and their opportunities for participation,” explains the junior professor. This is because other factors are now increasingly coming to the fore alongside the existing requirements of their professional field. That is why new approaches are needed to help them adapt to these changes: self-organization, individual learning and informal coping strategies.

Artificial intelligence as an opportunity and a challenge

Artificial intelligence (AI) in particular is playing an increasingly important role in everyday working life. However, it is still unclear exactly how this will change professional learning. Training must develop in such a way that professionals learn to deal with AI in a critically reflective way and to use it appropriately.

“Digitalization is bringing about many changes,” said Baumhauer. ”It requires not only the development of new technologies, but also new learning concepts. Skilled workers must be included in the change so that vocational training remains future-proof.”

About the speaker

After studying educational science at the University of Trier, Prof. Baumhauer completed her doctorate in vocational education at the Leibniz University of Hannover. She worked there as a research assistant in the vocational education team and also held a substitute professorship at the University of Osnabrück – before moving to the TU Hamburg in 2023 to become head of the Institute for Vocational Education and Digitalisation. You can read more about her research on the institute's website.

Von links nach recht: der Studiendekan für Technologie und Innovation in der Bildung Sönke Knutzen, Professorin Maren Baumhauer,  Kanzler Arne Burda, Präsident Andreas Timm-Giel.
Mit dabei waren (v.l.n.r.) der Studiendekan für Technologie und Innovation in der Bildung Sönke Knutzen, Kanzler Arne Burda und Präsident Andreas Timm-Giel.