Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Coaching Sessions

In a student-supported online talk format, the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) offers semester-weekly impulses and exchange of experiences on "How to study". In a dialog between a psychologist and a student employee, relevant topics that are part of successful studying are discussed. The participating students take part via surveys, the zoom chat or directly orally. The goal is to increase students' self-direction and share tips and tools for doing so.

The target group is students from the 2nd/3rd semester of a Bachelor's degree to a Master's degree. Typical topics are finding learning partners, motivation, time management, exam learning and stress management. At the same time, students can get in touch with each other, check themselves and compare themselves with others. The central element is the co-determination and co-design of the topics by students. In this way, coaching sessions additionally strengthen study and career-relevant skills such as self-reflection and self-control.

More information.