Meridian Yachtclub
Increase safety for electric mobility on the Alster
Description of the company
Yachtclub Meridian is a registered sailing club that aims to introduce its members to sailing on the Alster and Elbe rivers. Together with its partners Toplicht, a supplier for ships and shipyards in Hamburg, and Fraunhofer CML, which is providing the test site, Yachtclub Meridian wants to retrofit propeller protection for its trainer boats developed as part of Fishing.
Initial situation
By resolution of the Government of Hamburg, the Alster will be free of internal-combustion engines from 2025. In addition to “Alstertouristik”, “DLRG” and police, the coaching boats of the sailing and rowing clubs as Yachtclub Meridian are also affected, to which this project is related.
In a preceding Fishing project, the particular training boot of yachtclub Meridian were developed, which now run on Alster.
In the operation of the boats, emergency situations are not excluded in which people in the water could come into contact with the propeller of the trainer boat. This poses a significant risk of injury. The propellers of electric boat engines have different dimensions than those of classic combustion engines. The currently available protective devices (e.g. "Prop-Guard") do not fit to electric outboards. A propeller guard affects the efficiency of the propeller and can significantly worsen the driving characteristics.
Aims of the project
Design propeller protective device, suitable for everyday use that reliably protect against injuries and improve local flow conditions at propeller and thus improving performance through its design.
- Analytical analysis of boundary conditions and
- Computer-aided development of prototypes incl.
- CFD analysis of local flow conditions.
- Prototype production as 3D printing
- Validation of the results via real driving tests
Target group (students)
Computer Science; Elektrotechnik; Energietechnik; Green Technologies: Energie, Wasser, Klima; Engineering Science; Maschinenbau; Mechatronik; Produktentwicklung; Schiffbau; Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen; Mechanical Engineering; Ship and Offshore Technology
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