Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Splu Experts GmbH, Hamburg-Harburg

Making Design Data experienceable with Virtual Reality Technology

Description of the company
SPLU Experts GmbH is an engineering service provider and located at the Tempowerk in Harburg since 1997 with currently 20 employees. Due to many years of experience, project partnerships have developed with regular customers, e.g. in the  aviation sector, which need to be strengthened through innovation and efficiency. Here, virtual reality should provide decisive added value.

Initial Situation
The assembly of equipment in aircraft construction involves far-reaching complexity and is subject to both high demands on safety and ergonomics as well as high pressure on deadline and cost. Based on the design data, the individual assembly steps are shown as 3D images with dimensions. The required components, tools, assembly site and assembly instructions are also specified in detail. Therefore, there is currently an enormous effort to comprehensively present the customer requirements for a project.

The designer must currently describe the ergonomic requirements for the assembly person and the assembly site in pictures and texts. This is very time-consuming and can lead to difficulties in understanding and lengthy discussions for the customer.

The large number of assembly details requires a high level of concentration and competence for the assembly personnel. Each assembly step must be read separately in advance and the assembly part selected with the appropriate tool. Then the challenge is to immediately find the right destination and carry out the correct assembly. The assembly instructions often
have to be checked again at the destination. This makes assembly time-consuming and increases the safety risk.

Aims of the project
The assembly details should be visualized using virtual reality and make the construction experienceable. In this way, the designer can check the assembly activities for ergonomic and technical feasibility, recognize dimensions immediately and show whether the assembly points can be reached without safety risks.

The assemblers see the process details beforehand and during the job, so errors are avoided and assembly time is reduced. Instructions can be given in different languages and can be arranged flexibly in place/speed.


  • Visualization of the assembly process and testing of the ergonomic movement options
  • Life-size installation space studies, scalable for each user
  • Practicing maintenance measures on the virtual object
  • Visualization of machine data

Target group (students)
Students who are interested in the visualization of design data and have programming skills in C#, Unity, Catia V5. In addition to the Catia V5 and Unity 3D software, VR glasses including a controller and Leap Motion are available in our engineering office.

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More information
project flyer

You can apply for Fishing for Experience online.