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Pro Exzellenzia

- In German Language only -

Pro Exzellenzia wants to increase the proportion of women in Hamburg's executive suites and offers networking events and free workshops, e.g. on leadership skills. The program is aimed at female doctoral candidates, post-docs and research assistants from all scientific disciplines who are affiliated or employed at one of Hamburg's seven universities or a non-university research institute in Hamburg.


Career tips for women

In spite of the growing number of women university students, women are still under-represented, especially in scientific and engineering subjects. This also applies in the corresponding careers and at the higher career levels.

However, there are some organizations that seek to promote and support women in science and careers through various programs and offerings:

Ein junger Mann schaut zu einer jungen Frau. Beide tragen weiße Kittel und Schutzbrillen und stehen an einer technischen Anlage.
TU Hamburg

"Komm, mach MINT."

- In German Language only -

The National Pact for Women in STEM Professions, "Komm, mach MINT." is the only nationwide network initiative that gets girls and women excited about STEM courses of study and professions.

It already networks more than 240 partners from politics, business, science and the media and translates the dialog on the topic of women and MINT into innovative measures.

Female students can find various support services for starting their careers here and can also advise female students themselves on choosing a course of study.

CHEFIN - Chancengerechte Entwicklung von Frauenkarrieren im MINT-Bereich

- In German Language only - 

In the "CHEFIN" project, RWTH Aachen University and TU Dortmund University have developed an online tool to support female students and young professionals in STEM professions on their career path to the top of companies and public institutions. The aim is to empower female users in what is currently still a very male-dominated environment, to encourage them to plan their careers, to provide them with information on this based on their current study and work experience, and to show them that taking on a management position is an option.

Projekte der KWB Koordinierungsstelle Weiterbildung und Beschäftigung e.V. (Hamburg)

- In German Language only -

  • Project Worklife: The three Worklife coordination centers for family and career in Hamburg, located in City Nord, Mitte and Harburg, advise companies and women returning to work on the compatibility of family and career.


INposition - offener Gesprächskreis

- In German Language only -

Once a month, every last Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., INposition's open discussion group on career management takes place. It is intended to enable you to meet like-minded female academics who are working on the topic of career management in parallel with you. The focus is not on lectures, but on conversation. In addition to the questions you have on the topics of career, leadership position or network, etc., it is a forum to discuss and understand the offers of INposition in more detail. The concepts are specifically designed to meet the needs of women with career ambitions. It will allow you to make a more accurate assessment of which offering fits you and your career situation. Participation is free of charge.

Location: Alexanderstr. 1, 20099 Hamburg, 6.Stock Aufgang B, Raum 6.30


The Competence Center Technology-Diversity-Equal Opportunities e. V. (kompetenzz)

The Competence Center Technology-Diversity-Equal Opportunities e. V. (kompetenzz) promotes equal opportunities for women and men throughout Germany, for example with nationwide projects such as "Girls'Day - Mädchen-Zukunftstag", "Komm, mach MINT" or "#InnovativeFrauen". The website also provides a wealth of information and materials on career guidance and an overview of helpful women's technology networks.


Stabsstelle Gleichstellung an der TUHH

The Equal Opportunity Office is the first point of contact for students, scientists and professors, especially in cases of discrimination or sexual harassment and equal opportunity aspects, e.g. in research proposals.


Femtec Network

Femtec GmbH was founded in 2001 by EAF Berlin and TU Berlin with the aim of improving the networking of female STEM students in business and science and supporting them in their personal career development. Among other things, it offers a career-building scholarship for female students and career advice for professionals. The Femtec Network is made up of partners from business and science as well as female students and professionals.


Science Campus – A springboard for women in research

The Fraunhofer Science Campus events, which take place in the Cologne-Bonn area, are aimed at female graduates and students from the fourth semester onwards studying mathematics, engineering, natural sciences and computer science. In high-quality seminars, workshops and lectures, participants can strengthen their personal and professional skills and also make contacts for their future careers. Registrations for the Science Campus are possible online.


Pro Exzellenzia plus

Pro Exzellenzia plus ist ein Programm für Frauen, die Verantwortung übernehmen wollen! Das Hamburger Karriere-Kompetenzzentrum für Frauen ist ein deutschlandweit einzigartiges, hochschulübergreifendes Programm. Wir begleiten und unterstützen hochqualifizierte Frauen, ihre Karrierewege rechtzeitig zu planen und sich Karriere- und Führungskompetenzen anzueignen.

Unsere Angebote im Überblick