Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Selection of applicants

Admission requirement for a Master's program is a qualifying degree of a Bachelor of Science or an equivalent degree from a corresponding academic program. The degree will be recognized as qualificatory if the combination of subjects and the shown scientific performance will give reason to expect a successful completion within the regular duration of the Master's program.

The decision concerning admission can only be taken after having received and checked your documents. An examination committee will decide on your professional suitability. If you are qualified you'll get an acceptance letter for the programs free from restriction.

Special notes for restricted programs

The study program "Industrial Engineering Management (IWI)" only starts with the beginning of a winter semester. The admission to this program is restricted. Besides your professional suitability the average grade of your academic studies (first degree course) is relevant. Admission letters will be sent with the beginning of August.

Places for freshmen have to be awarded as follows:

  • 10 % for designated hardship cases. Hardship criteria may include special social and family circumstances and health considerations of the applicant's that require him or her to take up the specified course of study in Hamburg immediately . The hardship application must be freely formulated and submitted along with the application documents by the application deadline.
  • 2 % for top athletes cases.

The remaining places must be awarded:

  • preselection of applicants doing military, civilian or development service, a voluntary social or ecological year, or caring for a child or another family member. Preselection presupposes that you apply for admission at the next opportunity after the end of your service. Documents required for preselection are a copy of the notification of admission (Zulassungsbescheid) and original documents to prove that you belonged to one of the mentioned categories (such as a service certificate).
  • 90% to applicants chosen in accordance with the TUHH selection procedure (professional suitability)
  • 10% to waiting-listed applicants. The order of precedence of waiting-listed applications is determined by the number of half-years (semesters) that have elapsed in full between the applicant gaining her or his entrance qualification (first degree) for the TUHH's Master's program and the semester for which she or he has applied to study.