As a Guest at TUHH

Exchange students

Find more information here on the website of the International Office.

Guest status at TUHH

If you are interested in a guest status at Hamburg University of Technology please contact directly the Research Insitute of your interest. Please find all of the institutes here on the list of the institutes of the TUHH.

Possible statuses are    

  • student guest to write a thesis or do a practical training in an Institute
  • visiting scientist 
  • guest to finish the doctoral degree.

As soon as you have received confirmation from an institute, they will initiate the registration process using the documents below.


Extramural students

The status of a extramural student is available if you want to learn more in a specific field of knowledge without sitting an exam to gain a qualification.

Extramural students may not take exams that count toward a subsequent course of study.

The application for enrollment as an extramural student should be made to the TUHH Admissions Office by the beginning of the semester and must be made by four weeks after lectures start at the latest. Permission to attend lectures is, however, subject to a statement in writing by the university teacher that sufficient capacity (room and resources) is available for extramural students.

For lectures at the Hamburg University of Technology please see the current Course Schedule.

Extramural students do not count as students at the Hamburg University of Technology and are therefore not entitled to any of the welfare services and provisions for students.

The Schedule of University Fees requires the TUHH to charge extramural students a semester fee of €124. In certain financial circumstances you may be entitled to apply for the semester fee to be halved. Please inquire at the Admissions Office for details. Fees may be paid in ec-cash or by bank transfer.


As a pupil at TUHH

Information for high school students can be found on our website Nachwuchs@TUHH (in german only).