"Deutschlandstipendium" Scholarships

The Deutschlandstipendium – Funding our future!

Since the summer semester of 2011, companies, foundations and private individuals have been using the Deutschlandstipendium Scholarship to promote academic success and commitment together with the Federal Government. Also at our University numerous sponsors and students give the lively network a face.

The scholarship holders receive the income-independent scholarship of 300 euros per month (in addition to payments under the Federal Training Assistance Act [BAföG]) for at least two semesters and at most until the end of their regular study period, so that they are able to concentrate successfully on their university education.

The concept of performance on which the scholarship is based is deliberately broadly defined: It includes both above-average grades and credits along with a willingness to take responsibility or successful overcoming of obstacles in the student’s life and educational path.

For the tenth time, the TUHH awarded the Deutschlandstipendium Scholarships for the winter semester 2024/25. The next call will be in autumn 2025 for the funding period 2025/26. Would you like to be a scholarship holder and are you motivated to exchange ideas with sponsors and other Deutschlandstipendium scholarship holders? Please find below further details of the application procedure:

Application Requirements

These are based on the TUHH Scholarship Award Guidelines pursuant to the German federal act on the creation of a national scholarship program of February 19, 2016 and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Act on the Creation of a National Scholarship Program (StipG) of July 21, 2011. Eligible for funding are individuals who are enrolled on a course at the TUHH for the period for which funding is approved or who fulfill the course admission requirements and are about to be admitted. Doctoral candidates may not apply.

There is no legal entitlement to a scholarship or scholarship payments.

In respect of dual funding, the abovementioned law rules out funding for a student who already receives talent- and performance-related material assistance via one of the measures or institutions named in § 1 paragraph 3 StipG or via another German or foreign institution. This does not apply if the sum total of this funding is less than a monthly average of EUR 30 per semester for which funding was approved. (§ 4 Abs. 2 StipG)

Type and Extent of Funding

  • The scholarship will be paid in the sum of EUR 300 per month as a non-repayable grant. As a rule, the approval period is one year. An extension of the scholarship is possible within the framework of a new application.
  • The maximum duration of funding will be geared to the standard duration of the relevant course of study (§ 6 paragraph1 StipG). It may be extended upon application if the period of study is prolonged for serious reasons such as disability, pregnancy, care and upbringing of a child or a subject-specific stay abroad (§ 7 paragraph 1 StipG). The scholarship will not be paid during a period of leave of absence from the course of study. When studies are resumed following the leave of absence the approval period will be adjusted on application from the scholarship holder (§ 7 Abs.2 StipG).
  • The scholarship may not be made dependent on a consideration for the private funder or on an employer-employee relationship or declaration of intent concerning a subsequent employer-employee relationship (§ 5 paragraph 2 StipG). The scholarship does not establish an employment contract with the TUHH.

Selection Criteria

(1) The selection procedure will be conducted on the basis of applicants’ school or academic performance. Performance will be assessed as follows:

a. In the case of students in their first or second subject semester of an undergraduate course of studies assessment will be based on the grade of the university entrance qualification.

b. In the case of students in their first or second subject semester of a Master’s program, assessment will be based on the grade of the degree qualifying them for the Master’s program.

c. In the case of applications from individuals from the third subject semester, assessment will be based on the arithmetic mean of the grades obtained for the examinations passed to date, as shown in the transcript of records or a grade certificate. In the case of applications for the third subject semester, applicants must provide evidence of having obtained at least 48 CP.

d. Subject-related qualifications and achievements, such as special results, distinctions and prizes in connection with studies and previous professional activity and/or internships (§ 2 Par. 2 No. 1 StipV) will be taken into consideration in assessing performance.

(2) A further requirement for scholarship funding is evidence of at least one of the following requirements in accordance with § 2 Par. 2 Nos. 2 and 3 StipV:

a. Extracurricular engagement such as voluntary work, societal or social engagement, involvement in politics at university or otherwise, or active participation in religious communities, associations or clubs.

b. Aggravating circumstances impacting on the previous educational biography, such as:

  • Special personal or family circumstances such as disabilities or chronic illness
  • Looking after ones own children, especially as a single parent, or caring for close relatives in need of care,
  • Student jobs,
  • Non-academic family background (this family background exists if neither parent has a university degree or a
  • Migration background. A person has a migration background if he or she was not born in the territory of the present Federal Republic of Germany and immigrated in or after 1950 and/or the person does not have German citizenship or has not been naturalized. Moreover, Germans have a migration background if one parent fulfills at least one of the foregoing conditions.

These “soft” factors must be adequately substantiated and described. It is not enough just to refer to them in the text of your applications.

Selection decisions are taken by a central Selection Board.

Application Procedure

A scholarship can only be awarded on the basis of an application submitted within the time allowed and in the prescribed form. The application must be made on an online form. The online form is only activated during the application period.

Applications received after the deadline and incomplete applications cannot be considered in the procedure!

All applications must be accompanied by: 

Please submit the following as attachments to the online application. You find documents a) and b) in the Bewerbungsvereinbarung_Application Agreement. Please read through this file attentively as it contains important information.

a) A signed Declaration of Participation

b) A signed Data Privacy Statement

c) A certificate of enrolment at the TUHH

d) A tabular résumé

e) A letter of intent (maximum two pages in a DINA4 format)

f) Proof of performance:

  • University entrance qualification (in the case of foreign certificates, a translation that can be transferred to the German system). For applications for the 1st and 2nd semester in a Bachelor's degree program with an internationally acquired higher education entrance qualification, conversion to the German grading system is also required.
  • For applications for the third semester (Bachelor's and Master's degree programs): Transcript of Records, which you can create yourself in TUNE. Proof of at least 48 CP is required for applications for the 3rd semester.
  • For Master's students: Bachelor's certificate stating the final grade, diploma, state examination or other degree certificates of the first university degree (for foreign certificates or other foreign language certificates, please enclose an officially certified translation in German or English with conversion to the German grading system). 
  • Professional qualifications and references
  • Other certificates, certificates of achievement and qualifications such as prizes, awards, previous scholarships, etc. (in the case of foreign certificates or other foreign-language certificates of achievement, please provide an officially certified translation into German or English)
  • If you cannot provide us with an adequate conversion regarding your foreign certificates such as University entrance qualification or other graduation certificates, please contact Mr Olaf Baumann, STUDIS-Service, o.baumann@tuhh.de, at least 7 working days before end of deadline.

f) If in the current or coming semester you are no longer within the prescribed standard duration of studies for your course, please include with your application a free-form application for funding beyond the regular duration of studies, stating the reasons.

Please refrain from enquiring about the status of the selection procedure. We will inform you of the result in writing.


Students granted a scholarship receive a notice of approval. The notice of approval will include:

  • The amount of the scholarship
  • The period for which it has been approved
  • An indication that any extension of funding requires a new application  

Students who have not been selected for a scholarship will receive a corresponding notice of rejection.

Translation of TUHH Guideline on the Award of Scholarships within the Framework of the Scholarship Program Act (StipG)



Astrid Holst-Meyhöfer

Deutschlandstipendium Office

Consultation hours solely during the application period:
By telephone Tuesdays 10-12 and Wednesdays 14-16 - on October 30th changed office hours: 10-12


Presidential Office

Am Schwarzenberg Campus 1

21073 Hamburg

Tel: +49.40.42878-4605



General questions

How much funding is available and who provides it?

The Germany Scholarship is worth €300 per month. The first half of the total amount, €150, is covered by private sponsors, such as companies, foundations, alumni, and other private persons. The remaining €150 is covered by the Federal Government. The Germany Scholarship is paid to scholarship holders by Technische Universität Hamburg on a monthly basis. Funding is provided for one year. A prolongation of the scholarship is possible within the scope of a new application.

Does funding have to be paid back?

No. In contrast to BAföG (funding from the federal student loan scheme), the Germany Scholarship does not have to be paid back.

Which degree programs are eligible?

As a rule, students of any degree program at a state or state-recognized university are eligible for funding. This includes second degree and supplementary degree programs, master degree programs, and part-time / dual programs (cooperative work-study degree programs). The German Scholarship provides no funding for doctoral candidates even if they are registered.

Who decides on the selection criteria for potential scholarship holders?

Please see the legal provisions. All other details are to be decided by the individual universities.

Is there a legal obligation to offer the Germany Scholarship?

No. Every university decides for itself whether or not to offer the Germany Scholarship. The Germany Scholarship has been introduced to TUHH as of summer term 2016. Scholarship holders will be selected by University committees on the basis of set criteria. The University is required to adhere to the legal provisions during the selection process.

How is “material support” defined in the context of the Germany Scholarship?

“Material support” is defined as financial aid or payments in kind. Awards which may have a monetary value but that are primarily educational and otherwise too expensive for scholarship holders are considered non-material, for example newspaper subscriptions. Financial aid to pay for an Internet connection, however, would be considered material support.

Application and selection procedure

How to apply

Students can apply via the online application form on our Germany Scholarship website. First-year students meeting all requirements may apply upon enrollment.

Is prior academic performance at school and/or university decisive?

Prior academic performance at school and/or university is an important criteria for assessing an applicant's academic potential and talent.

However, scholarship candidates are also selected based on criteria such as activity in clubs, politics, or the church and whether they are raising children, caring for family members, helping out in a parent's business, or dealing with special personal obstacles. These are all important factors which will affect the decision.

An applicant's overall personality and potential for success is therefore relevant during the application and selection process.

Who selects applicants?

A final decision will be made by the selection committee of Hamburg University of Technology.

Additional support

Is it possible to receive additional support concurrently?

This will be decided pending review of the value and type of scholarship. As a general rule, students who are already receiving at least €30 worth of merit- or achievement based material support per month are not eligible for a Germany Scholarship.

Please consult the link, accessible in German only, for a detailed overview of other scholarships permitted in addition to the Germany Scholarship.

Is it possible to hold a DAAD Scholarship and the Germany Scholarship at the same time?

Full DAAD scholarship holders may not benefit from a Germany Scholarship at the same time, since both scholarships are based on merit or achievement. However, you may put the Germany Scholarship on hold while receiving a full DAAD scholarship. In case of a partial scholarship from the DAAD, you may continue to receive funding from the Germany Scholarship.

Social benefits and living expenses

Does the scholarship count towards funding from the German Federal Education and Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, BAföG)?

No. Funding under the German Federal Education and Training Assistance Act and the Germany Scholarship are two complementary programs. Students may benefit from both funding options at the same time, without deductions.

However, accumulated scholarship funds are subject to the standard principles of capital accounting. That is, scholarship funding does not increase the €5,200 exemption limit.

Can a Germany Scholarship offset social benefits other than BAföG?

No. The Germany Scholarship generally does not count against other social benefits such as German unemployment benefits paid after the initial period of unemployment (Arbeitslosengeld II). One exception is the housing benefit.

Is it possible to receive housing benefits at the same time as the Germany Scholarship?

Yes. However, recipients of housing benefits need to remember that half of the amount received from the Germany Scholarship, just like other scholarships, counts towards annual income. For further questions about scholarships and housing benefits, please contact your local housing benefits office.

Does the Germany Scholarship affect my eligibility for a maintenance claim on my parents?

Yes. The Germany Scholarship will mitigate your maintenance claim. Students who are of age must support themselves independently, before they can claim for further parental support. The Germany Scholarship will be counted as the scholarship holders' own income.

Does the Germany Scholarship affect my eligibility for child benefit?

Since 1 January 2012, all earnings of adult children, including the Germany Scholarship, are exempt from being counted towards child benefits. In accordance with the 2011 Tax Simplification Act (Steuervereinfachungsgesetz 2011), the means of children who are of age will not be assessed before their completion of a first vocational training or degree.

For further information, please refer to the following publication of the German Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) on Section 32(4) Income Tax Act (EStG ) dated 7 December 2011.

Leave of absence, travel, and hiatus

What happens to the Germany Scholarship if I take a leave of absence?

Scholarship funding is not paid during a leave of absence, for example due to statutory maternity leave, parental leave, or illness. Once studies have been resumed, the funding period will be extended by the period of absence. Different rules apply to internships.

Will the Germany Scholarship continue to be paid during a leave of absence for an internship that is beneficial to my academic program?

We distinguish between mandatory internships in Germany or abroad and other internships. Mandatory internships in Germany are part of the degree program and do not compromise any scholarship claims. Internships abroad are treated similarly, as long as the respective academic regulations for the degree program require them; in this case, they may be considered “subject related stays abroad.”

Should a scholarship holder apply for a leave of absence not provided for in the respective academic regulations, then no scholarship payments are made during this period.

Does the Germany Scholarship continue to be paid during temporary studies abroad, for example via the ERASMUS-program?

The Germany Scholarship may continue to be paid if the program abroad is relevant to the degree subject. The student must go abroad within the funding period.

This is true regardless of a potential leave of absence from the university awarding the scholarship. Students who study abroad via the ERASMUS-program will also continue to receive funding from the Germany Scholarship if they are also receiving a travel allowance for scholarship holders by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Tax and insurance matters

Is my Germany Scholarship taxable?

In accordance with the Scholarship Program Act (Stipendienprogramm-Gesetz, StipG) the Germany Scholarship is generally not considered tax or social security-relevant income. Certain exceptions may apply within the framework of private, state-recognized universities. For further details, please contact the respective university.

Does the Germany Scholarship affect my statutory health insurance rate?

The Germany Scholarship does not affect contributions to health insurance for as long as scholarship holders are members of the statutory insurance plan. Usually, until they have completed the 14th subject semester or reached the age of 30. In case the scholarship holder subsequently opts to become a voluntary member of the statutory health insurance, different regulations will apply. German legislation requires payment of a fixed minimum contribution. This contribution is currently calculated on an assessment basis of €875. If the assessable income, including scholarship funding exceeds this amount, all excess income will factor in establishing the payable health insurance rate.