In Germany, mechanical engineering remains one of the basic disciplines for the country's prosperity. The field of mechanical engineering has changed dramatically in recent years. Today, mechanical engineering primarily means the integration of different systems from the fields of electrical engineering, computer science and/or process engineering and from the classical, mechanical engineering fields into competitive products. In addition, a typical engineering task requires not only technical know-how, but also economic, ecological and social knowledge, which are increasingly taught in our bachelor's and master's degree programs. The deanery of mechanical engineering is the largest at the TUHH and is characterized by its heterogeneity of disciplines.
Die Oberingenieurin am ISEM (Institut für smarte Entwicklung und Maschinenelemente) Dr.-Ing. Katharina Ritzer erhält den Dr.-Wilhelmy-VDI-Preis für ihre besonderen Leistungen während ihrer Promotion.
Herr Dr. Perić und Herr Wermbter vom Institut für Fluiddynamik und Schiffstheorie wurden auf dem "International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics 2023" für ihre Leistungen in Lehre und Forschung ausgezeichnet.
Six students from the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) participated in the "International Joint Graduate Course on Sustainable Energy" (IJGC) from July 10 to 21.
Als eine von drei Preisträger*innen wurde Dr. Christina Buggisch für ihre Promotion am Institut für Kunststoffe und Verbundwerkstoffe mit dem Karl H. Ditze Preis geehrt. Außerdem wurde der Preis ebenfalls an die Studiengangsbotschafter*innen vergeben.
(Fotos: Nils Kreller)
Das Dekanat Maschinenbau betrauert den Verlust des langjährigen Oberingenieurs am Institut für keramische Hochleistungswerkstoffe Dr.-Ing. Rolf Janßen.
Nachwuchswissenschaftlerin der TU Hamburg gewinnt Hanns-Voith-Stiftungspreis 2023
Teaching in the School of Mechanical Engineering office offers a broad education in engineering fundamentals with specialization in application fields relevant to research.
The research fields in the Schhol of Mechanical Engineering are extremely heterogeneous and include aeronautics, maritime technologies, biomedical systems, energy technology, new and smart materials, product development and production management.
Students in the School of Mechanical Engineering have numerous opportunities to spend time abroad at one of our partner universities. You can find more information on the page of the International Office!
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