Committees in the School of Mechanical Engineering

Board of the School of Study
Status group Members Sign Deputy Sign
Professors Prof. Thorsten Kern M-04 Prof. Michael Morlock M-03
  Prof. Patrick Huber M-02 Volker Gollnick M-28
  Prof. Robert Meißner M-EXK2 Prof. Sören Ehlers M-10
  Prof. Arne Speerforck M-21 Prof. Thorsten Schüppstuhl M-23
Academic employees Christian Emmersberger M-06 Jil Eltgen M-23
      Nathalie Bauschmann M-13
Administrative employees Anja Schlichting M-03 Dr.-Ing. Paula Guglielmi M-DR
Students Vincent Pöppelmann (SB)   Christopher Hanson (MB)  
      Jonas Lindner (MB)  

The term of office for student members on the SDA is one year, and the term of office for other members is two years (Jan. 1, 2023 to Dec. 31, 2024).

The meetings of the Board of the School of Mechanical Engineering generally occur on the third Wednesday of each month at 13:30.

Examination Board
Status group Members Sign Deputy Sign
Professors Prof. Ralf God (Vorsz.) M-25 Prof. Robert Seifried M-13
  Prof. Stefan Krüger (Stellv.) M-06 Prof. Volker Gollnick M-28
  Prof. Christian Cyron M-15 Prof. Gerold Schneider M-09
Academic Employees Dr. Volkert Martin Wollesen M-16 Dr. Wilfried Abels M-06
Students Lara Tondt   Nils Nörenberg  

The term of office for student members on the Examination Board is one year; the term of office for other members is two years (Jan. 1, 2025 to Dec. 31, 2026).


Objection Board
Status group Members Sign Deputy Sign
Professors Prof. Robert Meißner M-EXK2 Prof. Bodo Fiedler M-11
Students Julian Köbernick   Nils Derzbach  
Administrative employees Is appointed by the Executive Board   Is appointed by the Executive Board  

The term of office on the Objection Board is one year for both professorial and student members. The member of the academic employees with the qualification for judicial office is appointed by the Executive Board.


Program Coordinators
Study Program Abbreviation Coordinator Sign Deputy Sign
Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc.) MBBS Prof. Thorsten Schüppstuhl M-23 N.N.  
Naval Architecture (B.Sc.) SBBS Prof. Friedrich Wirz M-12 Prof. Stefan Krüger M-06
Energy Systems (M.Sc.) ENTMS Prof. Arne Speerforck M-21 Prof. Fiedrich Wirz M-12
Aircraft Systems Engineering (M.Sc.) FSTMS Prof. Frank Thielecke M-07 Prof. Volker Gollnick M-28
Materials Science (M.Sc.) MAMS Prof. Jörg Weißmüller M-22 Prof. Shan Shi M-EXK4
Biomedical Engineering (M.Sc.) MEDMS Prof. Michael Morlock M-03 Prof. Dieter Krause M-17
Product Development, Materials and Production (M.Sc.) PEPMS Prof. Dieter Krause M-17 Prof. Nikola Bursac M-19
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (M.Sc.) SBMS Prof. Sören Ehlers M-10 Prof. Robert Seifried M-13
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.) TMBMS Prof. Robert Seifried M-13 Prof. Benedikt Kriegesmann M-24
Mechanical Engineering and Management (M.Sc.) IMPMEM Prof. Volker Gollnick M-28 N.N.  
Mechatronics (M.Sc.) IMPMEC Prof. Thorsten Schüppstuhl M-23 Dr. Martin Gomse M-23
Joint Master Ship and Offshore Technology (M.Sc.) JMSOT Prof. Sören Ehlers M-10 N.N.  
Program Advisors

The program advisors support the students on request by providing voluntary advice about their studies,
which mainly covers the study opportunities in the respective subject area. This includes the design, structure and implementation of the course as well as the examinations.

Subject-specific advising according to § 10 ASPO is, however, reserved for the professors of the associated School.

Study Program Representative Sign
MBBS Prof. Thorsten Schüppstuhl/ Dr. Andreas Moschallski M-23/ M-21
SBBS Johannes Oettle/ Jonathan Achstetter M-06/ M-08
ENTMS Dr. Andreas Moschallski M-21
FSTMS Leif Rieck M-07
MAMS Dr. Robert Günther M-22
MEDMS Julius Böttcher M-03
PEPMS Product Development Lea-Nadine Wöller M-17
PEPMS Materials Dr. Hans Wittich M-11
PEPMS Production Constantin Grabner M-18
SBMS Johannes Oettle/ Jonathan Achstetter M-06/ M-08
TMBMS Dr. Marc-André Pick M-13
IMPMEC Dr. Martin Gomse M-23
JMSOT Dr. Rüdiger Ulrich Franz von Bock und Polach M-10
Study Program Advisors
according to § 10 Abs. 2, 3 and 4 ASPO

All Professors from the School of Mechanical Engineering

The current dates for the appointments can be found in the StudIP event “Terminvergabe für Pflichtberatungsgespräche nach ASPO §10 im Dekanat Maschinenbau”.
Please register there for an appointment if you have been requested by the Examination Office to attend a student counseling interview.

LINK to StudIP-Session

Representatives for the selection process of the Master's Programs
Study Program Representative Sign Deputy Sign
ENTMS Prof. Arne Speerforck M-21 Prof. Friedrich Wirz M-12
  Dr. Andreas Moschallski M-21 Carsten von Ohlen M-12
LFTMS Prof. Frank Thielecke M-07 Prof. Volker Gollnick M-28
  Vincent Starke M-07 Martin Halle M-07
MAMS Prof. Jörg Weißmüller M-22 Prof. Patrick Huber M-22
  Dr. Robert Günther M-22 Mark Busch M-22
MEDMS Prof. Sara Checa M-03 Prof. Dieter Krause M-17
  Dr.-Ing. Gerd Huber M-03 Martin Gomse M-23
PEPMS Prof. Dieter Krause M-17 N.N.  
  Lea-Nadine Schwede M-17 Olga Sankowski M-17
SBMS Prof. Sören Ehlers M-10 Prof. Robert Seifried M-13
  Jan Manuel Kubiczek M-10 Dr. Alexander Held M-13
TMBMS Prof. Robert Seifried M-13 Prof. Sören Ehlers M-10
  Dr. Alexander Held M-13 Jan Manuel Kubiczek M-10
IMPMEM Prof. Nikola Bursac M-19 Prof. Thorsten Kern M-04
  Dr. Stylianos Rafailidis M-19 N.N.  
IMPMEC Prof. Thorsten Schüppstuhl M-23 N.N.  
  Martin Gomse M-23 Dr.-Ing. Gerd Huber M-03
Further Representatives of the School of Mechanical Engineering
Office Representative Sign
Capacity representative Prof. Friedrich Wirz M-12
Appraiser according to § 48 BAföG Prof. Bodo Fiedler/ Prof. Jan Dege M-11/ M-18
Prognosis certificats according to § 15 BAföG Prof. Jan Dege/ Prof. Bodo Fiedler M-18/ M-11
Internship Office MB/MTB Prof. Benedikt Kriegesmann M-24
Internship Office SB Prof. Sören Ehlers M-10
Deputy Dean International (Erasmus) Prof. Hermann Lödding M-18