DFG Research Training Groups

RTG 2462 Processes in natural and technical Particle-Fluid-Systems (PintPFS)

Lead: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Grabe


Duration: since 2019


The TUHH Research Training Group PintPFS, which was approved at the end of 2018, is characterized by its interdisciplinary approach: Civil and mechanical engineers, process engineers and materials scientists work together on questions, combine and develop experimental and numerical investigation methods and thus gain insights into the material behavior of particle-fluid systems on different size scales. The interdisciplinary nature of the Research Training Group is a new approach to research and teaching. It enables young scientists to engage in intensive professional exchange and gain knowledge. The interdisciplinary approach is intended to train a new generation of scientists and create innovations with regard to natural and technical particle-fluid systems.

The Research Training Group deals with processes in natural and technical particle-fluid systems and includes both natural soil components such as clay or sand as well as technical particles such as plastic granulate or cement. Certain properties of the particles can be generated by physical, chemical and biological processes. The research group wants to optimize this process and compare the technical and natural materials. Cooperation partners are the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht.

Integrated Research Training Group in CRC 986 Tailor-Made Multi-Scale Materials Systems - M3

Lead: Prof. Dr. C. Kautz


Duration: since 2012


Scratch-resistant yet lightweight housings for smartphones and laptops; ultra-light yet highly stable aircraft wings, turbine coatings that can withstand extreme heat; photovoltaic systems that efficiently generate electricity from waste heat. All these applications have one thing in common: they can hardly or not at all be realized with today's materials. This is why the experts at the Collaborative Research Center "SFB 986: Tailor-made Multiscale Material Systems - M3" are working on the foundations for a new type of material and on their ambitious goal - the development of completely new materials and components virtually on the drawing board.

A Research Training Group is integrated into the research work of the CRC. On the one hand, this provides an organizational framework for the doctorate in the Collaborative Research Centre, but on the other hand it is also intended to impart additional specialist and interdisciplinary skills. The aim is to comprehensively prepare doctoral students for their future careers in science or industry and to support their competitiveness in these fields of activity.

Participation in DFG Research Training Groups

RTG 2725 Urban future-making: Professional agency across time and scale

TUHH Spokeperson: Prof. Carsten Gertz


Duration: since 2022


The research training group was applied for by HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU) in cooperation with Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the University of Hamburg (UHH) and "deals with the scope for action of professional practice in the design of the built environment in the face of current pressing challenges. The project brings together researchers from the social sciences and from construction and planning-related sciences and aims to produce interdisciplinary knowledge for the future of cities. Such "urban future-makers" can be found in public authorities, in private companies, but also in the non-profit sector and in civil society initiatives. Their actions are characterized by temporal and spatial fields of tension."

RTG 2583 Modeling, simulation and optimization with fluid dynamic applications (joint application with the University of Hamburg)

TUHH Spokeperson: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rung


Duration: since 2020


The inter-university research training group (GrK 2583; spokesperson at the University of Hamburg) "Modelling, Simulation and Optimization with Fluid Dynamics Applications" focuses on combining simulation-based approaches from mathematics with applications from engineering, medicine and climate research. Under the motto "Mathematics drives applications - applications inspire mathematics", the interdisciplinary research group is intended to bring mutual benefits: The concrete applications are driven forward with the help of mathematical approaches, while these are further developed through the insights gained during application. For TU Hamburg, this means that the central research topic of modelling, simulation and optimization in engineering applications and the digitalization of design and manufacturing processes will be further strengthened.

The GrK was jointly applied for by the University of Hamburg and the Technical University. The Eppendorf University Hospital and the Max PIanck Institute for Meteorology are also involved. The spokespersons are Prof. Dr. Armin Iske (University of Hamburg) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rung (TUHH, Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory).

The GrK provides young scientists with holistic and application-oriented training in the mathematical disciplines of modeling, simulation and optimization (MSO). The simulation-based research activities focus on mathematical modelling and data analysis, adaptive and efficient calculation models and computer-aided shape optimization. The activities are closely linked to fluid dynamics issues, which are inspired by Hamburg-specific applications from the fields of aircraft and shipbuilding, climate research and medicine.

Education and research in GrK 2583 follows the guiding principle of an inherently interdisciplinary approach. This goes hand in hand with a mutual exchange of teaching and research paradigms between the participating disciplines. As a result, the college takes education and research in MSO mathematics and simulation-based fluid mechanics to a new level and contributes to cutting-edge interdisciplinary research at the interface of modern mathematics and technical applications.