DFG Research Training Groups

GRK 2972 CAUSE Concepts and Algorithms for – and Usage of – Self-Explaining Digitally Controlled Systems

Speaker: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Görschwin Fey

Laufzeit: seit 2024


Today, almost any technical system is digitally controlled which adds to its smartness. Such digitally controlled systems feature many and functionally diverse interacting subsystems, system levels, and connections to other systems. Many problems arising during their design and operation can be traced back to a lack of understanding and consequential mismatches at their interfaces. Avoiding such fallacies, demands mutual explanations of behaviour comprehensible to other systems, designers, developers, and operators. Developers cannot be expected to understand all details of all components of a Cyber Physical System (CPS) and the environment. Yet software engineers, e.g., would need comprehensible explanations of expectations and guarantees of a physical process in the environment directly or indirectly interfacing with the program. In an ideal model-based design world, all the engineers would have to know would have been encoded in reasonable design specifications or contracts. Realistically, these are however partial and focused on precision, demanding understandable explanations for specific situations as a complement. The research training group CAUSE addresses these issues by striving to make digitally controlled systems self-explaining to developers, users, and other systems. While the term explanation and its relation to understanding and reasoning have been discussed intensively in many disciplines, we provide a definition that fits our view and needs to be later related to our formalisms: An explanation is information timely provided by one (self-explaining) system (the explainer) to another system (the addressee); the explanation empowers the addressee to unveil consequences from decisions or inconsistencies in knowledge remaining inaccessible otherwise; by means of the explanation, the addressee can draw these conclusions without knowing all details of the interaction. CAUSE focuses on the technical, logical, and algorithmic basis of self-explanation capabilities and their integration into system engineering methodology at all abstraction levels pertinent to digital system design. The research training group is unique in fostering and facilitating development of complementing theories and methods using a demonstrator covering all levels from digital hardware over software and systems to Systems of CPSs. The research training group spans three institutions implementing a consortium equally versed in hardware, software, and systems, as well as in theoretical foundations, development methods, and practical applications. Within CAUSE, doctoral researchers are immersed into state-of-the-art research concerning novel system design concepts enabling and building upon self-explanation. They develop scientific independence and acquire the timely skills of distributed team-work, working in varying collaborative contexts, adapting to diverse knowledge backgrounds, and intense technical communication. (GEPRIS)


Participation in DFG Research Training Groups

RTG 2725 Urban future-making: Professional agency across time and scale

TUHH Spokeperson: Prof. Carsten Gertz


Duration: since 2022


The research training group was applied for by HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU) in cooperation with Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the University of Hamburg (UHH) and "deals with the scope for action of professional practice in the design of the built environment in the face of current pressing challenges. The project brings together researchers from the social sciences and from construction and planning-related sciences and aims to produce interdisciplinary knowledge for the future of cities. Such "urban future-makers" can be found in public authorities, in private companies, but also in the non-profit sector and in civil society initiatives. Their actions are characterized by temporal and spatial fields of tension."