Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Information for Hosts


Letter of invitation

Please provide the researcher with a written letter of intent/invitation about the planned recruitment in case an employment contract is to be concluded.

Hosting agreement

The hosting agreement in accordance with Section 18d of the Residence Act is an important document for the visa application of researchers from third countries. Please remember that a hosting agreement is also required for guest contracts if your guest is a third-country national. Exception: If your future employee wishes to apply for an EU Blue Card, no hosting agreement is required.

For further questions regarding the hosting agreement, please contact Ms. Nicole Frei/ e-mail: n.frei(at)tuhh(dot)de or the International Office.

Guest contract

Please contact the STUDIS department/ Ms. Vanessa Hennke for the issuance of a guest contract: Vanessa.hennke(at)tuhh(dot)de

Internship contract

As the supervising institute, please sign the internship contract/Erasmus+ Traineeship Agreement that your research guest has brought with him/her from his/her host institution.

Visa/right of residence

Depending on the country of origin, the research guest may have to apply for a visa to enter Germany at the German representation in their home country or current country of residence.

Depending on the country of origin, the German representation may require a hosting agreement as part of the visa application. For information on issuing a hosting agreement at the TUHH, please contact Ms. Nicole Frei/ e-mail: n.frei(at)tuhh(dot)de or the International Office.

Incoming researchers from third countries may require confirmation from the host university that the stay is necessary. HRK/DAAD have created a template for the preparation of such confirmations. This is intended to facilitate visa procedures and border crossings. The confirmation can be issued by the host professor. Further information and downloadable forms can be found here.

For longer stays, you may have to apply for a residence permit in Hamburg after your arrival.

Please contact the Hamburg Welcome Center to make an appointment for your research guest.


There are various ways to regulate the funding of visiting researchers in accordance with the law. In principle, funding is possible both from third-party funds and from state funds. In the first case, the type and amount of funding depend on the requirements of the third-party funding provider. The applicable provisions of state law are decisive for funding. However, funding also depends on whether the guest is to provide services during their stay at the TUHH. This may have tax consequences for the guest.


A scholarship serves to fulfill a specific academic task, e.g. research or further professional training in the sense of a doctorate, as well as to cover the individual's training and further education needs and to secure the livelihood of the sponsored person during the funding period. A scholarship does not constitute an employment relationship and the scholarship holder may not be obliged to provide a specific academic service in return.

Contract for work

If the guest provides services during the stay (e.g. by giving lectures or similar), a contract for work and services must generally be concluded.

Travel allowances

Grants for travel and accommodation costs can be awarded to guests who do not provide any services for the TUHH during their stay and for a maximum stay of 3 months (deviations are possible). The maximum amount of the subsistence allowances is based on the previous rates of the DFG for international cooperation or the DAAD (PDF) or the applicable budgetary regulations. The following rates are currently available for researchers: max. 2,350 EUR/month (post-docs); max. 2,650 EUR/month (comparable to W2), max. 3,150 EUR/month (comparable to W3).

Further information on work contracts and travel allowances can be obtained from the TUHH Human Resources Department.

Accommodation service

Our Accommodation office offers a service for finding accommodation for researchers in Hamburg.

Contact: Aylin Kruse: rooms(at)tuhh(dot)de

Accident and liability insurance

The guest is not covered by health, accident or liability insurance through the TUHH. Guests are therefore advised that they should take out their own health and accident insurance. Furthermore, the granting of guest rights may be made dependent on proof of sufficient liability insurance cover.

Further information on accident insurance cover can be found on the website of the German Social Accident Insurance: DGUV

Further services and links

  • TUHH Familienbüro
    The TUHH Family Office offers advice and support for pregnant postdocs and junior professors, postdocs and junior professors with children and postdocs and junior professors who are caring for relatives.