Your Bachelor's or Master's studies at TU Hamburg: Applications are open until July 15.

ArtRoom Exhibitions

The ArtRoom exhibitions show works and pictures created by students during the projects:

Take a look at our current and past exhibitions:

19.4. - 30. 06.24: "Behind the Moon" in TUHH Building A

5. July 19: " Recycled Art"in Artroom studio: paintings and objects.

4. July 2018 -"Artroom-works reloaded" in Artroom Studio.

3. June 16 -"The Reality of our dreams"/the gallery "Alles wird schön": paintings and photography works.

2. June 2015- "Silence is full of the unspoken"/ local gallery "Alles wird schön" in Harburg.

1. Mai 2014- "ArtRoom works"

on TUHH campus/Building A. The exhibition showed 80 different abstract pictures and portraits as well as several oversized works created by a group of international and German students as a team.


You missed our showings?

Don´t worry: many works created during ArtRoom workshops are hanging in different Buildings (A, L, G, E) on TUHH Campus!



1. "Billy Joel"(Natasha Zaharova)- building A/room 014

Do you feel like joining and showing your works in the next exhibition?

That's great!
Generally you will have to register to attend workshops and use of our studio. Please go to the program webpage and follow the registration link: registration for current program
Another good news is that the participation in all ArtRoom events is free of charge for TUHH students and most of the materials are provided as well.
Your ArtRoom Team
ArtRoom Programm