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FSP Logistics Management & Technology

Spokesperson: Prof. Heike Flämig, flaemig(a)

Deputy Spokespersons: Prof. Christian Thies, christian.thies(at) & Prof. Hermann Lödding, loedding(at)


Logistics, trade and production as well as the associated global value chains are currently undergoing fundamental change. This is being triggered on the one hand by new technological possibilities, for example through digitization, 3D printing and artificial intelligence, and on the other hand by changing values and requirements on the customer side, for example with regard to environmental and social standards or safety aspects. Added to this is climate change, which represents a central challenge also and especially for logistics worldwide. As a German and European logistics metropolis with a large number of companies from the fields of logistics services, trade and production as well as mobility and transport, Hamburg can and must contribute far beyond its own location to the viable design of sustainable and resilient trade and value chains as well as sustainable mobility concepts.

At the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), concepts, processes and technologies for sustainably designed, secure and resilient logistics value chains as well as user-oriented sustainable mobility are developed. This is done in an interdisciplinary and holistic manner, as the solutions developed must not only be effective with regard to the goals of sustainability, security and resilience, but at the same time must always be efficient in order to meet the economic framework conditions of the logistics and mobility industry. By simulating and optimizing the overall system as well as the system elements and processes, not only internal impact relationships but also external influences by competitors, location conditions and politics are taken into account.

TUHH's research covers the entire spectrum from basic research to application-oriented research and contract research. Research topics include:

  • Application of innovative technologies, esp. digital technologies, such as Internet-of-Things and Virtual Reality, to improve logistic systems and processes in ports, warehouses, factories and transport.
  • Development of models, algorithms and methods for logistics planning tasks and decision support using AI, OR and simulation
  • Development of sustainable logistics concepts (incl. hydrogen strategy)
  • Development of concepts for risk management and resilience in logistics
  • Development of concepts to manage complexity in logistics and transport systems
  • Basic principles and testing of autonomous driving in transport systems, intralogistics and in ports

The particular strength of the TUHH in these research areas lies in its broad coverage of the relevant technical and business management disciplines. This allows a holistic approach to the dynamically evolving research questions on logistics and mobility.

Numerous new technologies, for example from the field of digitalization and artificial intelligence, are drivers of innovation and enable the development of completely new structures and processes in logistics, trade and production. To this end, future-oriented technical, organizational and methodological concepts and solutions for a transformation of logistics and mobility in the direction of sustainability and resilience are being developed at TUHH. The aim is always both to provide important social impulses and to make a significant contribution to supporting and expanding the outstanding importance and competitiveness of the Hamburg metropolitan region and its companies in the field of logistics and mobility through forward-looking research.

Through the approach of research-oriented teaching, the findings from logistics research particularly benefit the students of the TUHH and ensure a university qualification at the highest level. This begins in the bachelor's degree program "Industrial Engineering and Management with a focus on logistics and mobility" and is comprehensively deepened in particular in the master's degree program "International Industrial Engineering and Management", in which students can specialize in the field of logistics, as well as the master's degree program "Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility", which is completely dedicated to this field.

Prof. Heike Flämig
Prof. Christian Thies
Prof. Hermann Lödding

Research Center News

Current Projects (Highlights)

HyNEAT – Hydrogen Supply Networks‘ Evolution for Air Transport, BMBF, 2023 – 2025,
Participating institutes: W-EXK1

BetCoB – Betriebskennlinien für Containerbrücken, DFG, 2023 – 2025
Participating institutes: M-18, W-12

BePoT – Betriebskennlinien für Portalkrane, DLR BVL (IGF), 2022 – 2024
Participating institutes: M-18, W-12

DYNAPORT – Dynamic navigation and port call optimisation in real time, EU, 2024 – 2026
Partcipating institutes: W-12

FIS V – Forschungs-Informations-System V, BMDV, 2024 - 2026
Participating institutes: W-2, W-8, W-12

ZERO-C – Enhancing Knowledge and Skills at WB HEIs in Preparation for Zero Carbon Maritime Transport and Logistics Society, EU, 2023 – 2026
Partcipating institutes: W-12

GENERATING – Entwicklung  und Einführung eines adaptiven Generators für Übungsaufgaben zu technischen Studieninhalten basierend auf Künstlicher Intelligenz, BMBF, 2021 – 2024
Partcipating institutes: W-6, W-12

Cooperations (Highlights)
Publications (Highlights)

Kastner, M., Saporiti, N., Lange, A.-K., & Rossi, T. (2024):
Insights into How to Enhance Container Terminal Operations with Digital Twins
Computers, 13(6), Article 6.

Grafelmann, M., Alieksieiev, V., Lödding, H., & Jahn, C. (2023):
Logistics objective conflicts at intermodal terminals
20. ASIM Fachtagung Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2023, 313–322.

Kieckhäfer, K., Wansart, J., Thies, C., & Ginster, R. (2023):
Pariskonforme Transformationspfade für die Automobilindustrie
ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift, 125(10), 54–58.

Kolley, L., Rückert, N., Kastner, M., Jahn, C., & Fischer, K. (2023).
Robust berth scheduling using machine learning for vessel arrival time prediction
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 35(1), 29–69.

Lange, A.-K., Nellen, N., Grafelmann, M., Hinckeldeyn, J., & Rose, H. (2023):
Simulation-Based Cost Modeling to Measure the Effect of Automated Trucks in Inter-Terminal Container Transportation.
2023 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 1593–1604.

Ohmstede, K., Thies, C., Barke, A., & Spengler, T. S. (2023).
Evaluation of Hydrogen Supply Options for Sustainable Aviation
In U. Buscher, J. S. Neufeld, R. Lasch, & J. Schönberger (Eds.), Logistics Management (pp. 27–42). Springer.

Reinecke, P. C., Wrona, T., Rückert, N., & Fischer, K. (2023):
A typology of the collaboration willingness of carriers in hinterland logistics.
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 53(9), 967–984.

Rückert, N., Fischer, K., Reinecke, P., & Wrona, T. (2023):
Collaboration Benefits in Port Hinterland Transportation.
In U. Buscher, J. S. Neufeld, R. Lasch, & J. Schönberger (Eds.), Logistics Management (pp. 146–161). Springer.

Braun, P., Grafelmann, M., Gill, F., Stolz, H., Hinckeldeyn, J., & Lange, A.-K. (2022): Virtual reality for immersive multi-user firefighter-training scenarios.
Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware, 4(5), 406–417.