Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Terms of registration and participation

Who can participate? Please note the target group for particular workshops.

Our Career Center workshops are primarily offered for students and graduates (up to 2 years after graduation) of TUHH.

Our offers are free of charge.

After your application you will receive an email confirmation of registration.

For some workshops you can get a certificate of participation – but no ECTS points.

If you are not able to attend a workshop for some important reason, please cancel it as soon as possible. Absence without excuse will cause exclusion from further events.

We need your personal data just for reasons of organization and – if requested – for our newsletter. It will not be distributed to third parties. Workshops that take place at a company are excluded from this term. We will forward certain data for entry controls. You will find further information about that in the description of the particular workshop.