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Wind tunnel and electric racing cars: institutes open their doors

3rd Mechanical Engineering Day at the TU Hamburg

At the 3rd Mechanical Engineering Day at Hamburg University of Technology, students had the opportunity to take a look inside the test halls, research workshops and laboratories of the various institutes and working groups that belong to the Dean's Office of Mechanical Engineering (M). The open facilities included the wind tunnel of the Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory, where research is being conducted into climate-neutral technologies and ship safety, among other things. The day is intended to give students at TU Hamburg the opportunity to get into conversation in an informal atmosphere directly where research is carried out in the institutes.


Tag des Maschinenbaus
Foto: C. Bittcher/TU Hamburg

The institutes for Aircraft Production Engineering, Aircraft Systems Engineering, Design and Strength of Ships, Mechatronics in Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Marine Technology, Smart Development and Machine Elements, Structural Mechanics in Lightweight Construction, Technical Thermodynamics, Production Management and Technology, Product Development and Design Engineering as well as Materials Physics and Materials Technology also opened their doors.

In the WorkINGLab, the workshop for students at TU Hamburg, they were given an introduction to the fully equipped workstations that can be used there throughout the semester and the 3D printer pool. The university's Formula Racing team, e-gnition, gave an insight into the development of the next racing car.