
“Freiraum 2025” funding program

TU project selected for funding
students in classroom
Photo: Isadora Tast

The TU Hamburg, represented by the MINTFIT Hamburg office, impressed the jury with its submission of an innovative teaching project in the “Freiraum 2025” funding line.

The project is funded by the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education for 24 months. The aim of the project is to provide technological enhancements to enable standard software to be used safely in different examination setups with the associated advantages (constructive alignment, flexibility, etc.).

The project will be based at the MINTFIT Hamburg office. The focus will be on the technical development of the standard Moodle software, including in the form of plugins. In Moodle, secure encapsulation of the examination is to be made possible on the basis of modern technology; in particular, legally compliant examination is to be guaranteed.

An important advantage of the innovation is the ability to test in the e-learning environment in which teaching takes place. Different setups could be, for example, summative or formative tests as part of a course. Practical tests with teachers and learners are planned to accompany the development.

Author and contact person:

Johann Mellin
Arbeitsstelle MINTFIT Hamburg (AMH)
E-mail: johann.mellin(at)tuhh(dot)de
Phone: +49 40 42878 4958