
Two TUHH institute directors become Fellows of the IEEE

[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Schuster (left) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kölpin (right) with the Dean Prof. Daniel Ruprecht (middle).

Leading international engineering association honors Alexander Kölpin and Christian Schuster

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kölpin from the Institute of High Frequency Technology and Prof. Dr. sc. techn.. Christian Schuster from the Institute of Theoretical Electrical Engineering at Hamburg University of Technology were honored by the IEEE association for their outstanding scientific achievements at the beginning of the year.

The two new fellows celebrated their success on February 12, 2025 together with colleagues from the School of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics.

We congratulate them on their achievement.


About IEEE

The "IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity" IEEE, Mission & Vision, IEEE.org

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is headquartered in New York, USA. The IEEE has about 400,000 members from all over the world who are dedicated to the interests of electrical engineering and information technology. They work in academia and industry.

IEEE is the world's most important professional association for electrical engineering and engineering sciences. Fellow status is the association's highest honor, awarded to only 1% of its members.