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New substitute professor for the Institute for Concrete Structures (B-07)

[Translate to English:] Portrait Prof. Adrian Faron

The Dean of Studies for Civil and Environmental Engineering welcomes Dr.-Ing. Adrian Faron as new substitute professor in the Institute for Concrete Construction (B-7)

The Dean of Studies for Civil and Environmental Engineering is pleased to welcome Dr.-Ing. Adrian Faron as a new substitute professor in the Institute for Concrete Construction (B-7). From the winter semester 2024/25, Dr.-Ing. Faron will enrich teaching at the TUHH with his expertise in civil and environmental engineering.

Dr.-Ing. Faron studied civil engineering and then gained professional experience as a project engineer. His professional development led him back to the TU Hamburg for his doctorate. Afterwards, Dr.-Ing. Faron took on the position of project manager in the State Office for Roads, Bridges and Waterways (LSBG) in Hamburg. Now the Dean of Studies in Civil and Environmental Engineering has been able to recruit him as a substitute professor in the Institute for Concrete Construction.

We are very much looking forward to working with Dr.-Ing. Faron and are convinced that he will make a valuable contribution to teaching in the deanery's courses.

For further information please have a look on the Instiute Homepage