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Award-winning master's thesis

Source: RKW Kompetenzzentrum/ Bundesfoto/ Widmann
[Translate to English:]
Source: RKW Kompetenzzentrum/ Bundesfoto/ Widmann

Valentin Resapow, graduate of the Institute for Digital and Autonomous Construction (B-01), honoured in the nationwide competition ‘Built on IT’

The Institute of Digital and Autonomous Construction (B-01) and the Dean's Office BU congratulate its graduate Mr Valentin Resapow on the outstanding award in the nationwide competition ‘Built on IT - Construction Professions with a Future’, awarded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). Mr Resapow was honoured for his master's thesis entitled ‘Construction site maps for the automation and visualisation of construction sites’. The thesis was supervised by Professor Smarsly and Mr Stührenberg.

You will find further awards in the area of Institute B-01 here.