Management of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Head of the School


The dean represents the school internally and externally. He is an important interface between the School of Study and the Executive Board and serves as a contact person for the professors of the school for all matters concerning the school of process engineering. He is appointed every two years by the school comittee.

Prof. Dr. Nima Shokri
Institute for Geo-Hydroinformatics (B-09)
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E)
Room 4.094
21073 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 42 878 2870
E-Mail: nima.shokri(at)

Deputy Dean

The Deputy Dean fills in for the Dean in case of his absence.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bastian Oesterle
Institute for Structural Analysis (B-04)
Denickestraße 17 (L)
Room 2031
21073 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 42878-3987
E-Mail: bastian.oesterle(at)


Management of the School

Head of the Management of the School

The school officer is in charge of professional school management. Her tasks include the strategic development of the school and the development and optimisation of internal school processes. She also fulfils an important interface function between the School's Office, University Board and administration.

Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Zschunke
School Officer
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E)
Room 4.023
21073 Hamburg
Phone: 040 / 42878 – 2102
E-Mail: sabine.zschunke(at)


School's Office Service

The Administrative office is the first point of contact in the school's office. It provides comprehensive support, information and advice in all matters relating to academic self-administration and supports the work of the of the Board of the School.

Philipp Moskophidis
Administrative office
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E)
Room 4.024
21073 Hamburg
Phone: 040 / 42878 – 2258
Email: philipp.moskophidis(at)