
3rd international workshop of the CRC "Customised Multiscale Material Systems"

[Translate to English:] Spannende Wissenschaft vor beeindruckender Kulisse: Internationale Forscher und SFB-Mitglieder beim Workshop. Foto: TUHH/A. Rathjen

The CRC hosted the third international workshop on "Tailor-made Multiscale Materials Systems" at the TUHH from 15 to 17 May 2024

The Collaborative Research Centre "Tailor-made Multiscale Materials Systems (SFB 986)" at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) hosted the third international workshop on "Tailor-made Multiscale Materials Systems" from 15 to 17 May 2024.

More than 90 international researchers, including 20 leading international experts, met to give scientific presentations and exchange ideas.

The aim of CRC 986 is to investigate material properties on different length scales by combining expertise in materials science, chemistry, physics and engineering in order to design new multiscale materials with outstanding mechanical, thermal, optical or electrical properties. During the three-day workshop, the researchers of the CRC 986 presented highlights of their scientific work on the topics of "Multiscale Materials", "Multiscale Modelling", "Responsive Materials", "Active Photonic Materials" and "Porous Energy Materials" in the form of lectures and posters.

The workshop programme and summaries of the presentations can be found on the SFB 986 homepage (https://www.tuhh.de/sfb986/veranstaltungen/international-workshop-2024).

The SFB 986 is currently running in its third and final funding phase until 30 June 2024 and has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with a total of 42 million euros since 2012. Preparations for the Cluster of Excellence BlueMat „Water-Driven Materials“ are currently in full swing in order to take materials science research in the Hamburg metropolitan region to the next level.