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EU Project SafeCREW

Climate-resilient management for safe disinfected and non-disinfected water supply systems 

On 1 November 2022, the Horizon Europe project SafeCREW has been started. The aim is to ensure a safe, resilient drinking water supply even under conditions of climate change. The focus is on the question to which extent drinking water supply can be safely provided without disinfection in the future, or how the formation of undesirable disinfection by-products can be avoided if an increased load of natural organic matter and increasing temperatures are expected. Eleven partners from five countries will spend the next 3.5 years filling research gaps on disinfection byproducts and developing guidelines for monitoring and managing drinking water supply systems from source to tap. SafeCREW is coordinated by the DVGW Research Centre TUHH and funded by the European Union.




Institute for Water Resources and Water Supply / German Association for Gas and Water, local research branch at Hamburg University of Technology (DVGW-TUHH)


Dr. Anissa Grieb, Prof. Dr. Mathias Ernst


1 November 2022 until 30 April 2026


Horizon Europe


German Association for Gas and Water, local research branch at Hamburg University of Technology (DVGW-TUHH; Coordinator, DE); Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI, IT), Berlin Centre of Competence for Water (KWB, DE), Biodetection Systems (BDS, NL), Centre Tecnologic de Catalunya (EUT, ES), German Environment Agency (UBA, DE), Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ, DE), Consorci Concessionari d'Aigües per als Ajuntaments i Industries de Tarragona (CAT, ES), Tutech Innovation GmbH (TUTECH, DE), Metropolitana Milanese SPA (MM, IT), Multisensor systems (MSS, UK)

The SafeCREW project will develop tools and guidelines necessary for the management of both disinfected and currently non-disinfected drinking water supply systems (DWSS) to prepare for climate change. Considered are the water source, the drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) and drinking water distribution network (DWDN) to deliver safe water to the consumer.