Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Student's Accident Insurance

All TUHH students have Unfallkasse Nord insurance cover for any accidents they may have on their way to and from the university. This cover also extends to events held or organized by the TUHH. Futher information is given by Unfallkasse Nord or Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung.

If you have an accident please inform the attending doctor indicating that you are a student of TUHH. Afterwards please get in contact with STUDIS and fill in this form. Please tick the box for "Hamburg" on the form. Exception: In case of an accident at Hochschulsport please get in contact with the staff at Hochschulsport directly.

Please keep in mind that this accident insurance does not cover private activities. On an excursion, for instance, your free time will count as private activity.

Contact person at admissions office (STUDIS):

Olaf Baumann (