

Founded in 1978, the TU Hamburg is one of the youngest - and at the same time one of the most successful universities in Germany. The campus in Hamburg's south was built between 1982 and 2005 to a design by architects von Gerkan, Marg und Partner (gmp). The main building is located on the site of the former Schwarzenberg barracks and forms a structure of historical and new substance with a striking entrance. The functional and at the same time architecturally interesting ensemble of the campus consists of a total of 15 buildings that fit into the surrounding park landscape and the urban district. 

Campusplan der TU Hamburg


Bezeichnung Adresse Besonderheit
A Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1 * Präsidium / LUK
B Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 * Zentrum für Studium und Promotion
C Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4  
D Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 DLR_School_Lab
E Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 * Infothek, Rechenzentrum
F Kasernenstraße 12 NIT
G Kasernenstraße 10  
H Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 5 Audimax I
I Denickestraße 22 Audimax II, Mensa
J Denickestraße 22 Bibliothek
K Denickestraße 15  
L Denickestraße 17  
M Eißendorfer Straße 42  
N Eißendorfer Straße 40 WorkINGLab
O Eißendorfer Straße 38 Technikum - ES38
P Denickestraße 15 Hexapod
Q Am Irrgarten 3 - 9  
Harbour Area


Bezeichnung Adresse Besonderheit
BS15 Blohmstraße 15, 21079 Hamburg HIP One
BS20 Blohmstraße 20, 21079 Hamburg TUTECH, DLR
HS6-12 Harburger Schloßstraße 6-12, 21079 Hamburg StartupDock
HS20 Harburger Schloßstraße 20, 21079 Hamburg  
HS22A Harburger Schloßstraße 22a, 21079 Hamburg Palmspeicher
HS28 Harburger Schloßstraße 28, 21079 Hamburg Channel 4
HS36 Harburger Schloßstraße 36, 21079 Hamburg  
SD22-24 Schellerdamm 22-24  
SD28 Schellerdamm 28  
SMD30-32 Schloßmühlendamm 30-32, 21073 Hamburg  
TYS8 Theodor-Yorck-Straße 8, 21079 Hamburg  
Bezeichnung Adresse Besonderheit
THF Neßpriel 5, 21129 Hamburg  
ZAL Hein-Saß-Weg 22, 21129 Hamburg  
Campus Map and Directions to TUHH

You can reach the TUHH by

the S 3/S 5 (as far as Harburg-Rathaus or Heimfeld, please follow the signs).

by train, Harburg is an ICE and EC train station

by car via the A1, A7, B 75 (see map)

Parking on the TUHH grounds

Parking is currently only chargeable in the garages. The following tickets are available (from 06:00 - 20:00):

30 minutes = free
Each additional hour = 1,00 €
Day ticket (until 20:00) = 3,00 €
Weekly ticket = 18,00 €
Monthly ticket = 30,00 €

For more information on how to get there, please visit: 

Deutsche Bahn AG timetable information

HVV timetable information

Airport Hamburg