FSP Aviation Technologies

Research in the field of aviation is characterized by great diversity and an international orientation. Current challenges in global aviation research include environmental compatibility, electric flying, hydrogen technologies, alternative fuels, new aircraft concepts and structures, optimized components and flight control (Zero Emission ed. BDLI 2020). The advanced technologies required for this range from lightweight structures to novel aircraft concepts. Aeronautical engineering at TUHH has focused primarily on aircraft systems and equipment, cabin and comfort, materials and production, and aircraft design and air transport systems, with research aligned with the international EU Green Aviation strategies and the ACARE Flight Path 2050. In terms of content, aeronautical engineering at the TUHH is focused on topics reflecting both the already developed competence of the participating institutes and the research needs in aviation. A large number of institutes from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science are cooperating, which means that interdisciplinary tasks in particular can be dealt with effectively. Of particular advantage for the work is the intensive interdisciplinary cooperation of the TUHH institutes in the fields of aeronautics, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. In this way, the expertise of scientists from different disciplines such as acoustics, thermodynamics, systems engineering, design and composites can flow together effectively. Synergy effects can be used, which leads to a strengthening of the competences of the research focus internally and externally - the chances for funding from outside the university are very successfully realized. With a very high rate of third-party funding, the Hamburg location offers ideal opportunities to work directly with the major systems companies, suppliers, operators and maintenance companies, e.g. within the framework of the aviation research program LuFo. In teaching, the bachelor's and master's degree programs in aircraft systems engineering represent an important systems engineering training focus at the TUHH. This is also increasingly used by AIRBUS for the university training of approx. 20 dual students per year. Important growth opportunities are seen in post-university training, e.g. for hydrogen-based aircraft technologies, but also in the design of international courses of study, e.g. with Toulouse and Bordeaux.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Dege
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Thielecke


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Dege
M-18 Produktionsmanagement und -technik
  • Produktionsmanagement und -technik
Nach Vereinbarung
Denickestraße 17 (L),
21073 Hamburg
Gebäude L, Raum 2003
Tel: +49 40 42878 3133

Deputiy Spokesperson

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Thielecke
M-7 Flugzeug-Systemtechnik
  • Institutsleiter
nach Vereinbarung
Neßpriel 5,
21129 Hamburg
Gebäude NP5, Raum 1.012
Tel: +49 40 42878 8201

Research Center News

Research Fields
Members and Guests


Name Institute
Prof. Dege Produktionsmanagement und -technik (Production Management and Technology, M-18)
Prof. Emmelmann Laser- und Anlagensystemtechnik (Laser and System Technologies, T-2)
Prof. Fiedler Kunststoffe und Verbundwerkstoffe (Polymers and Composites, M-11)
Prof. Fröschle Secure Cyber Physical Systems (Secure Cyber Physical Systems, E-15)
Prof. God Flugzeug-Kabinensysteme (Aircraft Cabin Systems, M-25)
Prof. Hintze Produktionsmanagement und -technik (Production Management and Technology, M-18)
Prof. Kelbassa Frauenhofer - Adaptive Produktionstechnologien IAPT (Adaptive Production Technologies)
Prof. Kölpin Hochfrequenztechnik (High-Frequency Technology, E-3)
Prof. Krause Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik (Product Dev. and Mech. Engineering Design, M-17)
Prof. Kriegesmann Strukturmechanik im Leichtbau (Structural Mechanics in Lightweight Design, M-24)
Prof. Rung Fluiddynamik und Schiffstheorie (Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory, M-8)
Prof. Schüppstuhl Flugzeug-Produktionstechnik (Aircraft Production Technology, M-23)
Prof. Schuster Theoretische Elektrotechnik (Theoretical Electrical Engineering, E-18)
Prof. Thielecke Flugzeug-Systemtechnik (Institute of Aircraft Systems Engineering, M-7)
Prof. von Estorff Modellierung und Berechnung (Modelling and Computation, M-16)
Prof. Wende DLR - Institut für Instandhaltung und Modifikation (Institute for Maintenance and Modification)


Dr.-Ing. Linke        DLR - Luftransortsysteme (Air Transport Systems)
Dr.-Ing. Nagel        DLR - Institut für Systemarchitekturen (Institute for System Architecture)
Current Projects (Highlights)
  • InDiCaT - Hollistische Virtualisierung des Produktlebenszyklus in der Luftfahrt mit Fokus auf Bauteilherstellung und Kabinenmodifikation.
  • DigitaleQM - Entwicklung digitaler Prüfmethoden sowie Konsolidierung der Daten an einem digitalen Zwilling zur Verbesserung der Datenqualität, Teilautomatisierung und Nutzung zur digitalen Fertigung.
  • EFFEKT - Effiziente Kabine durch digitale Vernetzung von Technologien und Systemen
  • GNOSIS - Bewertung von Systemarchitekturen für das elektrische Fliegen

  • ULTIMATE - Einzelklappenantriebssystemkonzepte für Krüger-Klappen an einem hochgesteckten Laminarflügel

  • LUFO - FlexFuture - Entwicklung und Validierung einer Flug- und Lastenreglung für Verkehrsflugzeuge mit flexiblen Flügeln großer Streckung

  • RECab - Resource Efficient Cabin

  • SeMoSys - Sektionsmontage und Systeminstallation im Verbundvorhaben

  • ANKA - Autonome und nachhaltige Kabine

  • FASTER-H2 - Fuselage, Rear Fuselage and Empennage with Cabin and Cargo Architecture Solution validation and Technologies for H2 integration

  • AMAvia - Digitalisierte Prozesskette für die innovative Kombination von Laser-Lichtbogen-Hybrid-Additive-Manufacturing (LLHAM) und intelligenten Fräsprozessen zur Produktivitäts- und Qualitätssteigerung bei der Herstellung metallischer Großstrukturen

  • FLAG-TCF - Generieren, Fügen und Nachbearbeiten von LPBF-Großformaten

  • MOnACO - Manufacturing of a large-scale AM component

  • VerticalE2E - Vertikal integrierte, nachhaltige End-to-End-Fabrik

  • Oblique - Verfahrensabhängiges Kraft- und Oberflächenmodell für das Zerspanen von faserverstärkten Kunststoffen im schrägen Schnitt

  • TFC - Zerspanungsinduziertes Temperaturfeld in FVK-Werkstoffen

Cooperations (Highlights)
Publications (Highlights)