Unsere Language Cafés sind weiterhin für euch da! Hier habt ihr die Möglichkeit, in lockerer Atmosphäre eure Sprachkenntnisse zu vertiefen, neue Leute zu treffen und euch auszutauschen. Die Treffen werden von Muttersprachler*innen geleitet, sodass ihr die Sprache und Kultur aus erster Hand erleben könnt.
Dieses Semester bieten wir Arabisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Koreanisch, Polnisch, Russisch und Spanisch an. Schaut einfach vorbei und macht mit! Ihr könnt übrigens jederzeit im Semester einsteigen! Alle weiteren Infos findet ihr auf unserer Website:
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Du hast Fragen zur Studienorganisation und Prüfungszeit an der TUHH?
Komme zur Zoom - Info - Session: jeden Donnerstag im Semester von 18.00 bis 19.00 Uhr.
Die Welcome Tutor*innen geben dir Infos sowie praktische Tipps zum Studium.
Anmeldung nicht erforderlich.
Zoom link.
Meeting ID: 404 757 5018
Kenncode: 378281
Der Hamburger Senat lädt alle neuen internationalen Studierenden zum traditionellen Empfang ins Hamburger Rathaus ein! Eine wunderbare Gelegenheit, Senatorin Katharina Fegebank persönlich zu treffen, das schöne historische Rathaus von innen zu sehen und Studierende von anderen Hamburger Hochschulen zum Erfahrungsaustausch zu treffen.
Bist du neugierig auf andere Kulturen und Sprachen? Language Cafe@TUHH präsentiert: Chat & Chill! Komme vorbei und mach mit. Wir freuen uns auf dich!
The ArtRoom project "Quo Vadis" confronts our ideas and dreams about places of longing and how to transfer them into pictures.
Our workshops cycle (24.01. & 31.01.25) takes place Fridays from 6pm.- 9pm., in a studio close to TUHH.
The project will be closed with an exhibition within TUHH rooms.
No prior knowledge required. All materials will be provided. A professional artist will provide you with instructions and tips about painting techniques so that you could develop your own style.
Just join us and discover your very own places of longing.
Places are limited.Please register here.
Entdecke das Stadium des legendären Fussballsvereins FC St. Pauli bei einer Stadiontour (in Englisch).
Die Plätze sind begrenzt, eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich: intranet.tuhh.de/anmeldung/stadium
The ArtRoom project "Quo Vadis" confronts our ideas and dreams about places of longing and how to transfer them into pictures.
Our workshops cycle (07.02. & 21.02.2025) takes place Fridays from 6pm.- 9pm., in a studio close to TUHH.
The project will be closed with an exhibition within TUHH rooms.
No prior knowledge required. All materials will be provided. A professional artist will provide you with instructions and tips about painting techniques so that you could develop your own style.
Just join us and discover your very own places of longing.
Places are limited.Please register here.
weitere Infos folgen in Kürze
weitere Infos folgen in Kürze
The ArtRoom project "Quo Vadis" confronts our ideas and dreams about places of longing and how to transfer them into pictures.
Our workshops cycle (Jawlensky - 07.03. & 28.03.2025) takes place Fridays from 6pm.- 9pm., in a studio close to TUHH.
The project will be closed with an exhibition within TUHH rooms.
No prior knowledge required. All materials will be provided. A professional artist will provide you with instructions and tips about painting techniques so that you could develop your own style.
Just join us and discover your very own places of longing.
Places are limited.Please register here.
The ArtRoom project "Quo Vadis" confronts our ideas and dreams about places of longing and how to transfer them into pictures.
Our workshops cycle (Akt in Farbe - 04. und 25.04.2025) takes place Fridays from 6pm.- 9pm., in a studio close to TUHH.
The project will be closed with an exhibition within TUHH rooms.
No prior knowledge required. All materials will be provided. A professional artist will provide you with instructions and tips about painting techniques so that you could develop your own style.
Just join us and discover your very own places of longing.
Places are limited.Please register here.
The ArtRoom project "Quo Vadis" confronts our ideas and dreams about places of longing and how to transfer them into pictures.
Our workshops cycle (Bäume in der Kunst - 05. und 16.05.2025 ) takes place Fridays from 6pm.- 9pm., in a studio close to TUHH.
The project will be closed with an exhibition within TUHH rooms.
No prior knowledge required. All materials will be provided. A professional artist will provide you with instructions and tips about painting techniques so that you could develop your own style.
Just join us and discover your very own places of longing.
Places are limited.Please register here.
The ArtRoom project "Quo Vadis" confronts our ideas and dreams about places of longing and how to transfer them into pictures.
Our workshops cycle (Traumlandschaften - 13.06. und 20.06.2025) takes place Fridays from 6pm.- 9pm., in a studio close to TUHH.
The project will be closed with an exhibition within TUHH rooms.
No prior knowledge required. All materials will be provided. A professional artist will provide you with instructions and tips about painting techniques so that you could develop your own style.
Just join us and discover your very own places of longing.
Places are limited.Please register here.
Please note that no ECTS points can be credited for our trainings and workshops.