Welcome Weeks

Orientierung zum Studienstart

Das Welcome Weeks-Programm richtet sich ganz auf deine Situation aus:  Neu an der TUHH, in Hamburg und in Deutschland zu sein. Unser Team steht dir bei deinem Start an der TUHH zur Seite und unterstützt dich bei der Integration in das Campusleben!

Während deiner ersten Tage und Wochen hier bieten wir, zusammen mit anderen TUHH Serviceeinheiten und studentischen Vereinen, an:

  • Beratung und Unterstützung bei deiner Ankunft in Hamburg
  • Unterstützung bei den ersten administrativen Schritten
  • Orientierung im Hochschulsystem
  • Gelegenheiten, deine Kommilitonen kennenzulernen
  • Soziale und kulturelle Aktivitäten


Please note that the Welcome Weeks program will be updated regularly. Dates and times are subject to change. Please check back regularly to stay up to date.


(in English unless otherwise announced)

Ask the Tutor - every Thursday in March and April 6-7 pm.

You have questions about study organisation, exam preparation or student life at the TUHH?

Join the tutor´s session on zoom, every Thursday in March and April, 6-7 pm.

ZOOM Link: https://tuhh.zoom.us/j/87006716849?pwd=CPuaVBKrf1U77YJvu7Idg0g8kswY8P.1

Meeting-ID: 870 0671 6849
Kenncode: 657655

25 February, 1 pm. - Pre-arrival info session - incoming exchange students TUHH - summer semester 2025

Zoom Meeting:

Meeting-ID: 872 5957 3838
Kenncode: 583860

21 March, 6 pm. - How to create your individual time table by using the TUHH IT System & Introduction to the Erasmus Student Network (ESN Hamburg e.V.)

Join the Welcome Tutors for the online instruction session on how to navigate throught the TU course managment system.

Zoom Link: https://tuhh.zoom.us/j/83381406473?pwd=6ty9UVl6PgARr6IzadbMabK8tyrVA1.1 

Meeting ID: 833 8140 6473
Kenncode: 404852


27 March, 3 pm. - Online Infosession: City Registration and Residence Permit


Meeting-ID: 858 2879 3013
Kenncode: 993170

27 March, 4 - 5 pm. - Online Infosession: Learning German. Info about German courses & tips and tricks

This meeting is aimed at anyone who is learning or wants to learn German. There will be information on language courses at the TUHH and other opportunities to learn German at the TUHH and externally.

Zoom Meeting:


Meeting-ID: 883 2164 3025
Kenncode: 122048

3 April, 9.30 - 10.30 am. - Confirmation of arrival

Do you need a signature for your confirmation of arrival? You are welcome to drop in the Department International Affairs (Building E, room 0058) to get this done.
Please bring a printed version of your confirmation and fill it in with your personal data to ensure a smooth process.

Should you not be able to drop in on the 3rd of April, you may visit Eva Turos Mondays between 10:00 and 12:30 and Thursdays between 13:00 and 14:00.

Please note: not all exchange students need a confirmation of arrival. If you're unsure, please check with your sending university.

3 April, 10.30 - 12.00 - Workshop Intercultural Basics for studying at TUHH

Studying abroad is a thrilling adventure, but it comes with its challenges. We'll explore how to navigate culture shock, understand different academic traditions, and communicate effectively on campus.

The workshop takes place in Room A 0.19 (Building A).

Please register here: intranet.tuhh.de/anmeldung/basics

3 April, 1 pm. - Campus Rally: Getting to know TUHH Campus Facilities

Join the event (no registration reguired)  to get to know the important university facilities and to use the opportunity to meet your fellow students.

Further details will be announced in good time.

3 April, 4 - 5.30 pm. - City walk Harburg

We invite you to a City Walk in Harburg, the district where the TUHH is located. Explore the local area, discover its highlights, and learn more about the neighborhood surrounding the university. It’s a great chance to get to know the area better and enjoy a pleasant walk in the heart of Harburg.

Meeting point is in front of Buidling E, entrance 1.

Registration: intranet.tuhh.de/anmeldung/walk

4 April, 1.30 pm. - Rally through Hamburg City, Speicherstadt & Hafencity

Get to know beautiful Hamburg and meet your fellow students.

Seats are limited. Registration is required: https://intranet.tuhh.de/anmeldung/cityrallye_040425

5 April, 1.30 pm. - Rally through Hamburg City, Speicherstadt & Hafencity

Get to know beautiful Hamburg and meet your fellow students.

Seats are limited. Registration is required: https://intranet.tuhh.de/anmeldung/cityrallye_050425

12 April - Day trip to Lübeck

You are invited to a one-day trip to the Hanseatic city of Lübeck, Germany’s most extensive UNESCO World Heritage Site. With six church towers surpassing 100 metres, Lübeck is the city with the highest number of tall church towers worldwide. This excursion is a great opportunity to get to know the city and some fellow students, who are also new at the TUHH.

Registration opens on the 22nd of March and is on a first come-first served basis: https://intranet.tuhh.de/anmeldung/luebeck2025

22 April, 5 pm. - Language Cafe Semester Opening

Join our semester opening of the language cafés.

Meet new people and chat in different languages in a relaxed, easygoing atmosphere.

Further details will be announced in good time.

26 April, 10 am. - Sketching Workshop

Join us for a Sketching Workshop and create your sketching diary with an instructions by professional comic artist.

No prior knowledge required. All materials will be provided!

Further details will be announced in good time.

From mid April

Just join our ongoing semester program, have fun and make friends!

Kontakt und Sprechzeiten

montags 10:00 – 12:30 Uhr und

donnerstags 13:00 – 15:00 Uhr

sowie für 

Online-Termine (Zoom-Meeting) nach Vereinbarung!


Follow us on Instagram: @welcomeattuhh


