FitING Newsletter

Stay up to date and subscribe to the TUHH's special Career Center newsletter! 

Here you will find special information on new program offers, excursions, networking events and much more.

Registration and dispatch is via the newsletter service RapidMail.

Please register via the following link (you will be redirected to the RapidMail registration form) and confirm your registration for the newsletter via the link in the confirmation e-mail in your mailbox.


Wir sind gerne für Sie da:

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1
Hauptgebäude (Gebäude A)
1. Stock, Ost, Raum 1.70 - 1.74
21073 Hamburg

E-Mail: career.service(at)tuhh(dot)de

Telefon: +49 40 42878 4424

Das Career Center-Team
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