Pre-Departure Info Sessions

For selected outgoing students for student exchange in 2024/25

Pre-Departure Info Sessions

Students who have been selected for an (Erasmus) Exchange study stay abroad in summer 2025 are invited to our pre-departure Sessions. We strongly advise you to come as students usually have a lot of questions that we will address.
Topics will be: application procedure at partner universities / what's next?, Erasmus grant and duties, accomodation, insurance, further preparation & answering all the questions that you'll bring.

Wed 11.09.24  | 16:00 - 17:30 p.m. | DE - Zoom-Link:, Kenncode: 854359, room will be open 5 minutes before


    Digital Learning Agreement Infosessions

    Please come prepared for the session by reading this guideline + examples in the excel table beforehand.
    One of these sessions is compulsory for every outgoing student before starting their exchange semester abroad:

    Tue 24.09.24 | 17:30 - 18:45 | DE - Please register first
    After the registration, the meeting link + password will be sent automatically. Please safe this information.

    Tue 08.10.24 | 17:30 - 18:45 | DE - Please register first
    After the registration, the meeting link + password will be sent automatically. Please safe this information.

    Tue 26.11.24 | 17:30 - 18:45 | DE - Please register first
    After the registration, the meeting link + password will be sent automatically. Please safe this information.