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HAMBURG WASSER & Schulbau Hamburg

Mobile classrooms and rainwater management

Project result: Poster (PDF)


Project Description:

Description of the company
HAMBURG WASSER closes the hydrological cycle – starting with the drinking-water-supply to the sewage disposal – all under one roof. With more than 2.000 employees and at 20 plus locations, every day we use our skills to ensure that water out of the tab is running and that from the sewer, too. Our unified goal is it to take care of our resources and to maintain the basis of life for generations to come in Hamburg.
Together with our subsidiaries, we invest our knowledge in pioneering projects regarding as well water as environmental issues.
The team „Water Management and District Development“ is working on strategic topics around stormwater management. That means i.e. in case of heavy rain, how to impact & mitigate it; water sensitive city etc. In this context, we are supporting innovations linked to green and blue infrastructures and work very close to BUKEA, municipal administrations and universities.

Many mobile classrooms are currently planned and used in Hamburg in order to cope with the increasing number of pupils and renovation activities.  Mobile classrooms are regularly planned as container groups. In planning though, they do not consider any decentralized rainwater management. Consequently those mobile classrooms need to be connected to the sewer system (combined or stormwater system, depending on their geographical implementation).  The school authorities and HAMBURG WASSER have already discussed the development of mobile classrooms with green roofs, which can retain more rainwater on site and can be used eventually as school gardens. They are interested in innovative ideas and solutions.

Decentralized rainwater management is of interest for the city of Hamburg for different reasons (RISA project, water sensitive urban design, reduction of the heat island effect etc). Such solutions and concepts can additionally be integrated into school activities (school garden, school projects or lessons, etc). Until now, technical issues (static issues, no modular systems) hinder green roof implementation and consideration, especially on container groups. There is currently no existing example, which considers green roofs on mobile classrooms.

Aims of the project
The aim of the project would be to develop modular concepts for mobile classrooms with integrated rainwater management. The concepts should take into account the following topics:
different concepts for the use of these green roofs (intensive use e.g. as school garden, extensive use), the consequences for the accessibility, thermal effects of green roofs on mobile classrooms, concepts for subsequent use of these roofs.
Mobile container solutions can also be proposed for other uses (kindergartens, industry use, office, accommodation …)


  • Propose possible technical and design solutions for the different container types especially for mobile classrooms
  • Consider the use of rainwater as a resource (i.e. for school garden, etc)
  • Evaluate developed solutions (energy need, room climate, way of access, etc)
  • Develop concepts for integration water sensitive urban planning into school programs to raise the awareness for water balance, biodiversity, etc)

Target group (students)
Engineers (civil engineering, environmental engineers, architecture, etc)

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