Fab City Hamburg e.V.

AI integrated local production – Setup and testing of a AI intergated platform for local production

Description of the company

Hamburg became the first German city to join the global Fab Cities initiative. In October 2020, the Fab City Hamburg e.V. association was established by Hamburg's Fab Labs, Makerspaces, workshops, innovative startups and research institutions. Since then Fab City Hamburg is supporting the local Maker- and FabLab-Community and is pushing the city towards a circular economy.


Most of the consumer products are produced somewhere else. The Helmut Schmidt University (HSU)created within the project „Production Next Door” a AI integrated platform for shared local production processes to accelerate the circular economy of cities. The HSU extracted a running version of this system for Fab City Hamburg which will be the basis software for this project. Fab City Hamburg has a broad network of innovators, fab labs and partners which will support this fascinating project.


The local and global maker community has many great product ideas and innovations. There are already many great designs, almost ready to launch. The problem is in many cases that the individual maker or startup has not the capacities 1) to further develop the product and 2) to produce a small series or even the final product. Overall the production of the goods in most cities is not locally, but depending of long international supply chains.

Aims of the project

To develop and test a local production process in the city of Hamburg steered by a AI-integrated platform with an outcome of 3-15 x haptic prototypes of 1-5 x existing open-source-hardware (OSH) designs.


The following key aspects shall be presented at the end of the project:

  • The developed and tested process as well as the digital platform
  • Comparison of OSH designs (manufacturability)
  • Presentation of the produced prototypes
  • Evaluation of the process and platform in regard of feasibility for the economy

Target group (students)

Allgemeine Ingenieurwissenschaften:
• Allgemeine Ingenieurwissenschaften
• Engineering Science
• Mechatronik
• Computer Science
• Data Science
• Informatik-Ingenieurwesen
• Maschinenbau
• Mechatronik

Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik:
• Computer Science
• Informatik-Ingenieurwesen
• Information and Communication Systems
• Microelectronics and Microsystems
• Flugzeug-Systemtechnik
• Mediziningenieurwesen
• Materialwissenschaft
• Produktentwicklung, Werkstoffe und Produktion
• Mechanical Engineering and Management
• Mechatronics
Management-Wissenschaften und Technologie:
• Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

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