
Avionic Rack Ventilation Parameter Study

Description of the company

Airbus is a global pioneer in the aerospace industry, operating in the commercial aircraft, helicopters, defense and space sectors. The Company is a leader in designing, manufacturing and delivering aerospace products, services and solutions to customers on a worldwide scale. Hamburg, the headquarters of Airbus Commercial Aircraft in Germany and the largest Airbus site in Germany, employs over 15.000 people and plays a key role in the development and manufacturing of all Airbus aircraft.
In the engineering domain, key competences in Hamburg revolve mainly around the development of fuselage structure and the design, innovation and systems of the cabin. For all Airbus aircraft families the airline’s individual cabin definition is managed from Hamburg.


An aircraft requires a lot of electrical equipment for electrical power distribution and for the core processing units. This equipment is typically located inside the Avionic compartment of an aircraft. These devices create a significant amount of heat, which needs to be removed by a ventilation system, to ensure safe and reliable aircraft operation. The core processing units are hosted inside of avionic racks. These racks include an integrated supply and extraction ducting for the ventilation.


Future aircraft face an increased need for electrical power distribution and core processing units, for which reason the cooling needs inside the avionic racks increase. In order to use the limited amount of available air on board of an aircraft efficiently for the cooling purpose inside the rack, a parameter study shall be conducted in order to determine possible design margins to optimize the rack ventilation.

Aims of the project

In a first step the reference state-of-art design shall be investigated to build a model for the pneumatic and heat transfer behavior. In a second step the geometry of the rack-internal duct network shall be modified to understand its limits and optimization potential with regards to pressure losses, velocity and thermal losses.

Image Description 1, Image Description 2


Based on an existing avionic rack design:

  • Set up a model for air velocities and pressure losses
  • Set up a model of the heat transfer from the core processing units to the environment and to the ventilation system

Parameter study:

  • Varying the number of core processing units in the rack and determine the impact on velocity, pressure losses and heat transfer

Optionally optimization of the rack design:

  • Propose an improved geometry of the rack-internal duct network for optimizing heat transfer, pressure loss or number of core processing units

Target group (students)

  • All student groups with an engineering background
  • Interest in Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer & mathematics

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