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Lufthansa Technik

ChatBot Tool for Employee Self Service and User Guidance

Description of the company

We are the leading provider of aircraft maintenance, repair, overhaul and modification services for civil aircraft, from commercial to VIP and special mission aircraft. 

Holding international licenses for maintenance, design and production, we provide tailored maintenance programs, modification, completion and conversion as well as innovative cabin products, material pooling or engine services. We supply our customers with digital fleet support.


SAP Dokumentation -> How2 article's, Get Authorization-> no solution -> Bot creates needed tickets/requests to support teams automatically within a ticket system and all information from user are collected based on natural language INPUT via Chat.


  • There are various SAP (cloud) solutions and applications implemented on these for which a user would like to receive authorization
  • The user has a workstation in the company for which he must be authorized in certain systems in order to complete a task, or only authorized.
  • Sometimes only their password needs to be reset
  • However, the user does not know exactly what the authorizations are called, but can say for which system it should be, how long he needs them and which role he performs in the company
  • In order for an authorization to be assigned, a correct request must be created for each system and each authorization and this request must be approved by a role approver (workflow, mail, ...)

Aims of the project

The bot should use questions to find out which authorization the user needs in which system in order to be able to carry out their work. If the bot thinks it has recorded everything and the user gives the GO, then the corresponding requests should be generated in an application and the approver should be notified


- Ideally, a workflow is implemented that contains a view of the application and an accept/non-accept

- After approval, the user is automatically authorized in the requested system

- Extended focus:

  • AI, which can guide the user in a more targeted manner based on previous responses
  • Expansion of such a bot for complete employee self-service processes (vacation requests, business trip planning incl. booking) as well as operational processes that are not regularly carried out by power users


Technologies and systems used:

  • Help article
  • Database
  • SAP cloud tools
  • Enterprise systems based on SAP BTP (cloud) solutions such as on-premise (e.g. SAP HR systems)
  • Ticketing systems such as: JIRA, Confluence, OTRS, Internet as a source

Target group (students)

Computer Science, Data Science, Global Technology and Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship, Information and Communication Systems, Informatik-Ingenieurwesen, Allgemeine Ingenieurwissenschaft and all students interested in the field.

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