
Zero C – Enhancing Knowledge and Skills at WB HEIs in Preparation for Zero Carbon Maritime Transport and Logistics Society

The Zero C project aims to create necessary conditions in higher education to provide the shipping industry and governmental institutions in Albania and Montenegro.

The Paris Agreement's goals are being addressed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the European Union (EU), who have established policies to decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for maritime transport, logistics, and port operations. Over the coming years, these policy reforms will make port authorities, terminal operators, ship owners, and ship builders find ways to improve their ship's and port's energy efficiency. This can be achieved by purchasing new equipment with electric engine or retrofitting existing equipment for supporting marine fuels with lower carbon intensity. These policy reforms ultimately support the goal of achieving zero carbon emissions in the sector. The demand for enhanced energy efficiency and decarbonization will drive optimization in logistics and port operations.

The Zero C project aims to create necessary conditions in higher education to provide the shipping industry and governmental institutions in Albania and Montenegro with competent and industry-oriented employees who  can deal with the sustainable transformation of the maritime economy. These employees can either solve challenges such as decarbonization, energy transition and logistics optimization in practice or implement IMO and EU policies in the shipping sector. The project therefore supports the capacities of maritime Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the West Balkan.

Contribution of the MLS

Over the next three years, the Institute of Maritime Logistics (MLS) of Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the West Balkan HEIs will collaboratively develop specialized course catalogues and innovative teaching/training materials tailored to the shipping industry. The MLS will provide lecturers with state-of-the-art equipment and methods to teach students and professionals. To foster this development and to create the required teaching capacities, a know-how transfer from EU HEIs to West Balkan HEIs will be initialized and regional networks of stakeholders will be established.

The research project "Zero C" is funded by the European Union (EU) ERASMUS2027 programme - project no. 101128747. Further information about the Zero C project, you can find at zeroc-project.com.



Andreas Mohr, M.Sc.       
Tel.: +49 40 42878 4641 
E-Mail: andreas.mohr(at)tuhh(dot)de

Shubhangi Gupta, M.Sc.
Tel. +49 40 42878 3860 
E-Mail: shubhangi.gupta(at)tuhh(dot)de

Marvin Kastner, M.Sc.     
Tel.: +49 40 42878 4793
E-Mail: marvin.kastner(at)tuhh(dot)de

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)          
Institute of Maritime Logistics (W12)
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (Building D)       
21073 Hamburg