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EMC Forum 2023 at TUHH

The EMC Forum is a European network where experts, engineers, researchers, and students in the field of EMC come together to discuss and exchange the latest developments, trends, and challenges. The aim of the EMC Forum is to promote networking and collaboration in the field of EMC. The agenda included a variety of lectures, panel discussions, and workshops on various EMC application domains such as automotive, aerospace, telecommunication, high performance computing, power engineering, and medical imaging. Young scientists and researchers had the opportunity to present their research and projects and receive feedback from experienced EMC professionals. The EMC Forum provides a unique opportunity for experts, young researchers, and leaders to engage, learn, and network.

The EMC Forum has the following academic members:

Prof. P. Besnier from IETR, France

Prof. F. Grassi from POLIMI, Italy

Prof. S. Grivet-Talocia from POLITO, Italy

Prof. P. Manfredi from POLITO, Italy

Prof. S. Pignari from POLIMI, Italy

Prof. C. Schuster from TUHH, Germany

Dr. D. Spina from UGHENT & IMEC, Belgium

Prof. R. Trinchero from POLITO, Italy

Prof. D. Vande Ginste from UGHENT, Belgium

Dr. C. Yang from TUHH, Germany