Jetzt zum Wintersemester für einen unserer internationalen englischsprachigen Masterstudiengänge bewerben. Bewerbungen sind bis zum 1. März möglich.


Die Veranstaltung beginnt jeweils um 16:00 Uhr in Gebäude A, Raum A 0.14.

WiSe 2024/25 Vortragende*r Vortragstitel Weiteres + TU-Ansprechpartner*in
24.10.2024 Kristin Hölting, (Prof. Liese, V-6) Immobilised Multi-Enzyme Cascade in Packed Bed Reactors for Sialyllactose Synthesis Followed by a guided tour through V6-Laboratory: registration till 14.10.24 by
  Leon Klose, (Prof. Liese, V-6) Towards the enzymatic degradation of aerospace-grade epoxy resins Followed by a guided tour through V6-Laboratory: registration till 14.10.24 by
14.11.2024 Mashid Golalikhani, (Prof. Gescher, V-7) Advancing Microbial Electrolysis Cells for Efficient Wastewater-to-Energy Conversion Followed by a guided tour through V-7-Laboratory: registration till 04.11.24 by or
  Leonie Rominger, (Prof. Gescher, V-7) Efficiency and process development for microbial biomass production using oxic bioelectrosynthesis Followed by a guided tour through V-7-Laboratory: registration till 04.11.24 by or
12.12.2024 Marius Fiedler, (Prof. Smirnova, V-8, Prof. Skiborowski, V-4) Titel folgt Followed by a guided tour through V-4-Laboratory: registration till 02.12.24 by FSP Biobased Process and Reactor Technologies Mirko Skiborowski
  Shubhang Sharma, (Prof. Liese, V-6) Continuous production of nucleotide sugars using a multi-enzyme reaction cascade in an enzyme membrane reactor Followed by a guided tour through V-4-Laboratory: registration till 02.12.24 by FSP Biobased Process and Reactor Technologies Mirko Skiborowski
09.01.2025 Miriam Schaake, (Prof. Heinrich, V-3), evtl. online Optimized Mechanical Pretreatment of End-of-Life Cotton Textiles to Enhance Enzymatic Hydrolysis Followed by a guided tour through V3-Laboratory: registration till 06.01.25 by
  Xiye Zhou, (Prof. Heinrich, V-3) Dynamic modelling of particle drying via flowsheet simulation for the digital twin of fluidized bed spray granulation Followed by a guided tour through V3-Laboratory: registration till 06.01.25 by
30.01.2025 Philipp Niemeyer, (Prof. Smirnova, V-8) Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Biopolymeraerogelen zur Anwendung als Gasadsorbens Followed by a guided tour through V-8-Laboratory: registration till 18.11.24 by
  Erik Manke, (Prof. Smirnova, V-8) Continuous supercritical CO2 drying of Alginate Aerogel Particles Followed by a guided tour through V-8-Laboratory: registration till 18.11.24 by