
  • I am studying or working at the TUHH
    • General
      • Please make sure that your Operating System version is up to date. We are not able to offer support if your OS version is deprecated.
      • Are you still a valid student and have paid your semester fee on time? Is your employment contract ongoing? Ask the USC if necessary:
        Contact / USC
      • Is the Wi-Fi antenna switched on and activated in the system?
      • You are connected to the eduroam SSID, but do not have an internet connection?
        Please check whether the IP address and the DNS server are automatically obtained.
        external manual
        The TUHH automatically assigns you two DNS servers ( and

        Detailed instruction for your system can be found below.
      • How do I find out my MAC address?
        Here is a detailed manual.
      • Is there still an old eduroam config file on your computer? Remove all settings from other universities and re-create the config for eduroam at the TUHH. See Instructions
      • If you try to download programs or configuration profiles at the TUHH via the VPN/WEB network and fail, please close the Captive Network Assistant, which may have opened automatically. In the Hotspot mode of the VPN/WEB, the Captive Network Assistant expects only entries and no possibly dangerous downloads. Open your system browser (Android → Google Chrome, Apple OS X → Safari, Windows → Edge / Chrome etc.) and go directly to your target page ( or
      • Are only allowed characters in your current password? Avoid accents and umlauts.
        change/reset the password of your TUHH-login
      • Furthermore, there are port restrictions in the eduroam network.
    • Android
      • A popular error is hidden spaces behind the username or anonymous identity that the dictionary attaches. Click on the end, look up and enter your password carefully again.
      • Is the first letter of the password or user name capitalized automatically? Check each letter.
      • If you encounter problems installing the root certificate, see the notes at the end of step 1 of the Android manual.
      • If the app crashes during setup with the geteduroam app or the setup does not work due to other circumstances, please use manual setup.
      • Android instruction
    • Apple
      • Is the first letter of the password or user name capitalized automatically? Check each letter.
      • Sometimes the MacOS profile is displayed in the Apple Captive Network Assistant (VPN/WEB) window as cryptic plain text and is not downloaded. Click Cancel in the bottom right-hand corner and open the Safari web browser to go directly to the data center's web page (VPN/WEB at TUHH on the WebVPN:
        Apple MacOS instruction
      • Sometimes the profile installation on your iPhone opens in the background when you click the profile link. Press the Home button once to close the browser window and proceed with the installation.
        iOS instruction
      • Check if random MAC addresses are enabled. If so, deactivate the setting. Instructions for deactivation can be found here.
      • Flyer
      • about:config öffnen about:config öffnen about:config öffnen
    • Windows
      • Unfortunately, it is not possible to edit a network if you are not connected. If the connection setup fails or you made a mistake, remove the profile eduroam and create it again
      • Are the IP address and the DNS server automatically obtained?
        The TUHH automatically assigns you two DNS servers ( and

        Check your DNS and IPv4 settings:

      • Check if Windows and the Wi-Fi drivers are up-to-date and all updates have been installed.
      • Open the command line with Start → cmd.exe and enter ipconfig /all. In the output to your wireless adapter the entries for IPv4 Address, Default Gateway, DHCP Server, DNS Servers should start with 134.28.
      • To output a detailed HTML report, you can call the Windows shell as an administrator with netsh wlan show wlanreport or execute the following script:
      • Uninstall the SecureW2, if it should be installed (e.g. by upgrading from Windows 7)
      • A Connection to VPN/WEB should be possible anytime. If even here the connection fails, try this:
        • Open up Network and Sharing Center
          (start ⇒ run/search ⇒ ncpa.cpl)
        • Go inside the options of the network adapter and click on config
        • Open the tab driver and remove the driver.
          !!! Warning, all your saved wifi networks will be lost !!!
        • Restart your computer by using shutdown -g inside command prompt or just use run/search
        • After booting, Windows will automatically set up its driver again. Follow the instructions as described above to set up eduroam again. A connection should now be possible again.
      • Können Sie sich immer noch nicht mit eduroam verbinden, dann erstellen Sie bitte schon mal unter Windows 10 oder Windows 11 einen wlanreport, hier unter Downloads, und wenden sich damit an uns.
  • I come from another university
    • In this case your home university is responsible for you. Look at the instructions from your home university or ask questions until you can establish a connection to eduroam here. (Please make sure you are using the right username, sometimes it may be similar to USERNAME@UNIVERSITY)
      The instructions on this website apply only to students and staff of the TUHH.
    • Did you enter a static DNS server? External DNS server are blocked by the TUHH. However, the TUHH automatically assigns you one (
    • For more information to the guest network, see VeranstaltungsNetz.


Please make sure that your device has the latest patches installed, that you are not using more than one anti-virus program and that no "unblocker" is active.
(Unblocker are programs which can unlock content, that is blocked in one country, but not another.)

If you have questions or problems, please have a look at our help pages first. (Klick here for VPN Help)
With questions, suggestions, reports or further problems please contact our User Service Center (Helpdesk). We respond quickly to e-mails to

In the non-lecture period, the WLAN consultation will take place with Finn Müller in room E2.047/E2.048. You can find the dates here, as well as in the corridors in the E building.

  • Thusdays 09 AM - 12 PM
  • Thursdays 09 AM - 12 PM