Please open only one single browser window for the WebVPN session: This way you are making manipulations and data theft through unauthorized cross-domain-access impossible.


As an alternative to VPN Client you can use WebVPN (particularly PDAs, for which there is no VPN client from Cisco). Again, there is an encrypted and tunneled connection to the network of TUHH. The main difference is that the VPN client reroutes the traffic from the whole computer into the TUHH LAN, while the WebVPN-based service does this only for the WebVPN browser tab. You can not start SSH connections via the WebVPN Access. For security reasons, you should not call any HTTPS sites (eg online banking) because certificates can not be verified. If you want to use our webmail, please enter the address into the adress line, since the webmail is accessible from our wireless network directly and without a VPN connection.

Prerequisite for the use of WebVPN is a network connection either in notebook Pool, in the WiFi of the TUHH or access through other providers.

How to build a WebVPN connection

  1. In order to use the WebVPN, open the browser (IE, Firefox, or similar) and access the WebVPN page: https://webvpn.rz.tuhh.de

  2. After a successful login you will see a message box:

  3. Then go to the welcome page of the WebVPN. From there you can change your Kerberos-password, use the VPN service (download of the VPN client) or access other unencrypted pages.

  4. https://webvpn.rz.tuhh.de will be displayed in the browser during the whole VPN session as the first part of the WWW-address.

  5. In the top right corner of a web page a small transparent menu appears. From this menu you can (from left to right): move the menu, enter a URL, go back to the front page or end the session.

How to close a WebVPN connection

  1. Sign off again after the session, eg from the welcome page:


  • I get a certificate warning when I call the WebVPN page.
    Install the DFN root certificate please.
  • [faq1] Why shouldn't one conduct any sensitive activities (online-banking for example) over the WebVPN?
    The WebVPN connection to the VPN terminal is a SSL encrypted connection, this certificate can be checked by the user. When accessing SSL encrypted external pages (https) through the WebVPN, the external certificates will be automatically accepted by the VPN server. The user does not have the possibility to verify the validity of the external certificate.
  • [faq2] Can I remove the WebVPN floating bar?
    You cannot remove the floating tool bar nor avoid loading the floating toolbar while you establish the WebVPN session. This is because when you close this window the session is terminated immediately and when you try to login again the window is loaded again. This is the way the WebVPN sessions were designed originally. You can close the main window but it is not possible to close the floating window.
  • [faq3] Why can my mail program pick up external e-mails with the VPN client, though not with WebVPN?
    WebVPN is a web-based service, which only works over the browser with which you logged on to the WebVPN service. Other programs which access to (TUHH-) external services like e-mail or instant messenger generally cannot use the WebVPN connection.
  • go to the general VPN FAQ


Please make sure that your device has the latest patches installed, that you are not using more than one anti-virus program and that no "unblocker" is active.
(Unblocker are programs which can unlock content, that is blocked in one country, but not another.)

If you have questions or problems, please have a look at our help pages first. (Klick here for VPN Help)
With questions, suggestions, reports or further problems please contact our User Service Center (Helpdesk). We respond quickly to e-mails to servicedesk@tuhh.de.

In the non-lecture period, the WLAN consultation will take place with Finn Müller in room E2.047/E2.048. You can find the dates here, as well as in the corridors in the E building.

  • Thusdays 09 AM - 12 PM
  • Thursdays 09 AM - 12 PM