

These settings only apply to students and employees of the TUHH. Students of other universities please use the settings of their university, also with us at the TUHH.

Conntect to eduroam

We recommand using the eduroam CAT (Configuration Assitant Tool) under

  1. Please first remove an existing eduroam configuration from your Wifi settings.
  2. Open the WEBVPN via an existing Internet connection (mobile data / hotspot / VPN/WEB) in a new tab: Do not log in, but click on the top link in the box above. It is recommended to install eduroam on the premises of the TUHH. First, use the VPN/WEB.
    ChromeOS ChromeOS ChromeOS
  3. You will be redirected to Click on the big blue button, it should start a download. If not, click Link and start the download manually.
    ChromeOS ChromeOS ChromeOS
  4. Click on the smaller blue button with the i and open the gray, underlined link in a new tab. Click on the top link (Import .onc Files). Alternatively, open a new tab in Chrome and type in the following link: chrome://net-internals/#chromeos
    ChromeOS ChromeOS ChromeOS
  5. Under the Import ONC File item, click Choose File. Select the file downloaded in Schirtt 3. The installation proceeds silently, you will not receive any notification.
  6. Open the WLAN settings and select eduroam. Here you have to fill in some fields:

    Security: EAP

    EAP-Method: EAP-TTLS

    EAP-Phase2-Authentification: PAP

    CA-Servercertificat: Standardsettings



    Identity: Your TUHH-Account

    Password: Your password

    ChromeOS ChromeOS ChromeOS
  7. Click Connect.
    ChromeOS ChromeOS

More Information

You can find a summary as a flyer for printing at the WLAN entry page.

The subpages Information, SSID: VPN/WEB and SSID: eduroam give the interested reader even more background knowledge.

back to WLAN entry page


Please make sure that your device has the latest patches installed, that you are not using more than one anti-virus program and that no "unblocker" is active.
(Unblocker are programs which can unlock content, that is blocked in one country, but not another.)

If you have questions or problems, please have a look at our help pages first. (Klick here for VPN Help)
With questions, suggestions, reports or further problems please contact our User Service Center (Helpdesk). We respond quickly to e-mails to

In the non-lecture period, the WLAN consultation will take place with Finn Müller in room E2.047/E2.048. You can find the dates here, as well as in the corridors in the E building.

  • Thusdays 09 AM - 12 PM
  • Thursdays 09 AM - 12 PM