Instructions for using the Linux Pools
- Workstations must not be shut down.
- The Linux Pools are primarily intended for on-site attendance events and for free practice directly on the device.
- Remote usage (via SSH) is tolerated as long as it does not interfere with events or direct work on the device.
- The data center reserves the right to restrict, interrupt, or block remote sessions at any time without prior notice.
- The execution of long-running or unsupervised and computationally intensive programs is not allowed. Please use the data center's HPC systems for these use cases.
- The data center reserves the right to interrupt permanently locked desktop sessions if necessary.
- Requests for changes to the software configuration will only be accepted from instructors at the beginning of the lecture-free period.
- For all other inquiries regarding the operation of the Linux Pools, please feel free to contact servicedesk(at)tuhh(dot)de.